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Special Dead

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Special Dead

When a zombie plague infects a camp for the mentally handicapped, a ragtag band of campers and counselors struggles to survive the night. The unlikely heroes fight their way off the mountain as, one by one, they're picked off and join the ranks of the walking dead. It's a campy stampede of blood, boobs and gore as some "very special" people show that they can kick some serious undead ass.

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Release : 2006
Rating : 4.4
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Director, 
Cast : Gia Franzia
Genre : Adventure Horror Action Comedy

Cast List



The greatest movie ever made..!


I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.


Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.


Special Camp Dude, populated by a motley group of bad actors pretending to be retarded, disabled, autistic and invalid are over run by zombies.Not really sure they explained that one too well.The characters are so thinly drawn and are such throwback stereotypes that you'll not find them funny in the slightest.The soundtrack is right out of bad 80s movies.Oh, and any surprise that there is not one shred of coherent direction? But then there isn't a storyline either.There's a camp for special ed kids that knows about the zombies and the solution is to wait till dark and use one rifle, one pistol and a sythe to kill them.Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of politically incorrect movies, but this one is just plainly bad.If you like blood squeezed out of a ketchup bottle as your special effects, you might like this flick.


"Special Dead" is a lot of fun if approached in the proper mood.**SPOILERS**Working at Camp Special Dude, Machiavelli Stone, (Jason Brubaker) is infuriated his sister Dale, (Gia Franzia) is in charge of the camp, a camp for handicapped people. When he finds evidence of a zombie infestation in the area, he gathers Cassie Hewitt, (Amy Wade) Harley Jacquette, (Haneka Haynes) Todd Slater, (Anthony Rutowicz) May Littlejohns, (April Wade) Eriq Eldorado, (Jah Shams) Ismael Ziegler, (David Reynolds) and Buck Renshaw, (Thomas Crnkovich) the others at the camp and tries to get them away from the deadly creatures. When they manage to get a handle on the situation, the zombies manage to get the upper hand and force them to defend themselves against the creatures. Having to resort to more outlandish tactics, the surviving members try to battle off the voracious zombies and get away.The Good News: This was actually a lot of fun and had some good points going for it. One of the best assets to this one is the fact that there's just an incredible amount of action in this one, and that's a fun quality to have. The confrontations with the zombies are done nearly from the start, as we're barely fifteen minutes into the film before the campfire attack that sends everyone off running around the camp trying to seek shelter, and from there, it's just nonstop action through to the very end. There's no shortage of good scenes, from the attack out by the chicken coop to the battle in the outhouse and an extended fight in the parking lot, where a lot of different gags are used which are genuinely funny without trying to be as they're put into the situation logically. Other major fun comes from the two women getting into a real knock-down, drag-out, fist-fighting brawl that is certainly much harder than expected and comes off extremely well-done. The final race for freedom doesn't have as many obstacles to overcome as most, but the fact that it decides to end on a positive note and actually have more than just a couple surviving that brought them together, so it's only natural that there only be a couple of them since it goes with the larger-surviving-number story. The main reason why this is allowed to be so big and full of action is the result of the film's really furious pacing. As mentioned before, the attacks come in a little before the fifteen minute mark, so this one just doesn't have the time to do much of anything except get right into everything, which keeps the film moving along so quickly it never lets up, having a positive outcome as the result. That is greatly appreciated and makes it a much more enjoyable film. Also quite fun is the film's subtle humor, as the film doesn't go over-the-top to offend due to the subject matter and instead decides on giving little quips here and there, most surprisingly coming from the campers sniping at each other, but a couple visual gags, such as the guy looking up the girl's skirts as they argue fixing a truck or the self-referential humor when arming for the final fight are pretty good and are apart of the film's tone. Here, the zombies don't look terrible but are perfectly passable for the situation, not really going for the dead-centuries-look but still looking like zombies, which is nice and really gives them an appropriate menace. The last plus here is the gore, which here is nowhere near the top of the line for zombie films but holds it's own well, with plenty of gunshots splattering heads, a body adorned with arrows, limbs hacked up or ripped off and devoured, stabbing, impaling, slicing and more, leading to a ton of splatter as well as tons of blood-stained clothing in a memorable image. All of these make this film enjoyable.The Bad News: This one did have a couple flaws for it that will hold it down. The biggest issue here is that the film decides to spend the majority of it's time dealing with the mentally-disabled, and the fact that they're involved heavily, often-times still in character when dealing with the zombies or other situations, may rub some people the wrong way. This one doesn't attack or make fun of people who have these conditions, it just merely wraps a horror film around the people who do and it won't matter that it does, as the mere inclusion of the subject matter maybe a sensitive issue for some and won't take it in the way this is intended. The only other thing it fails at is giving an explanation for anything that happens in the film. There's nothing said about the zombie's origin, as the pre-credit sequence doesn't offer anything remotely worthwhile and the characters here tend to think of them as an everyday facet of life that they must live with, but again no explanation story. The same goes for the purpose of the camp, which isn't a fault of the film at all since it's pacing is the cause for that and we aren't around long enough to find out. Otherwise, this one was quite enjoyable.The Final Verdict: With a lot to like about it and some very mild, minor flaws in it, this one isn't that bad at all and has a lot of things going for it. Definitely give it a shot if you're able to handle the subject matter and are a huge fan of cheesy, entertaining zombie fare, while those who aren't should heed caution with it.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language, Nudity, and a couple sex scenes


At last - an original idea for a zombie film, well executed. The film is extremely funny - from the basic idea of retards being attacked by and turned into zombies, as well as how some of those characters are realised (the first character turned into a zombie, who appears throughout the film, is a scream - I couldn't stop laughing at his character). The soundtrack is awesome, I'm not sure if it is original or not, but it fit the movie perfectly. The campfire guitar song was very, very funny. Although obviously shot on a tiny budget, is very well executed. The make-up and effects are acceptable - I was a bit disappointed that most of the action took place at night, although I expect that this covered a lot of budgetary compromises. The acting (mostly) was above average for a cast of no-names. If you love politically incorrect zombie films, Special Dead is a must. Thoroughly recommended.

Shane Lazzarotto

As a zombie movie fan, I bought "Special Dead" simply out of fascination for the entire concept. Let's face it, a camp for retarded people getting invaded by zombies - who wouldn't want to see that!? Not me!!! "Special Dead" is quite bluntly, fantastic fun.As far as horror-comedy goes, it rates right up there with Shaun of the Dead, Evil Dead II and Severance.How can it not rate as highly when we are talking about a film that contains a zombie with Tourette's Syndrome, sex with a zombie, a frustrated toothless zombie, and a bunch of retards trying to stay alive (including a wheelchair-bound woman wielding an electric chainsaw!? It has to be mentioned that the film is also very well directed and written - quotes like "Holy Jesus's hairy nut-sack" spring to mind. But truly memorable, quality quotes are too numerous to mention here.The death scenes are exceptionally well done too. Any movie that manages to include a zombie dying through a multiple popsicle-stick stomping must be praised.Special mention has to go to the Editor (exceptional work) and the soundtrack. Particularly the soundtrack. If, by chance, your handicap is blindness (in which case I'm not quite sure how you're reading this review), then it's worth buying this film purely for the soundtrack! There are a couple of original tracks that are pure gold.My only negative here goes to the acting ability of Jason Brubaker (Machiavelli Stone). All I can say is that he has the charisma of a car accident, and if only his character was played by someone who could pull it off (like Andrew Dice Clay for instance), then I would have rated this film a 10.Regardless, Special Dead is tremendous fun. I can only hope that it gets the exposure it deserves, and if you have the chance to watch it, you will not be disappointed. For its genre, it really is a great film.

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