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Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist The Movie

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Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist The Movie

If one man changes his path, will he be able to change his destiny...or will he only delay the inevitable? Ryu and Ken are two traditional warriors who find themselves isolated in some corner of Japan to carry out their training as fighters, trying to master an ancient style of fighting, known as "Ansatsuken" (The Killing Fist). There they will begin to learn about the mysterious past of their trainer, Goken, and the tragic and dark legacy that the Ansatsuken style hides. Will they be able to choose their destiny or will history repeat itself once again?

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Release : 2014
Rating : 7.2
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast : Christian Howard Togo Igawa
Genre : Adventure Action

Cast List



Pretty Good


It is a performances centric movie


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.


I am inclined to believe all the 8-10star ratings are fake since it seems to be those people only reviewed this movie and nothing else. I watched the whole thing and I just can't give more than 3. The story is very primitive and narrow. The Nsync boy band fighters are a good laugh in the beginning until it becomes boring. Fighting scenes are OK at the most and perhaps fit the people who like those Chinese movies with flying monks, magic and other fake stuff. To me, it looked very fake. Everything from fighting scenes to the magical stuff perhaps can fit kids,but as an adult I can't force myself to take it all serious in any way or form. Acting is not very good at all. This is one of the main reason I was surprised to hear from those allegedly fake reviewers how they liked the acting as acting was pretty bad. Same goes for directing and of course the camera work - all what you'd expect from a very low budget movie.

Ghey Ken

I liked the game. I had good memories of the game. This movie however has ruined the cognitive object in my mind that is Street Fighter, and destroyed it forever. I can't believe the number of people here giving this disaster any form of positive review. It went on and on and on. I felt like I had been sucked into a vortex where time no longer had any meaning. I feel like I have literally been trolled by the creators of this movie, for 2 and a half hours. It wasn't immediately obvious that this was the case. It sucks you in and holds and then disappoints you beyond belief. The punchline however was when the credits finally come up and you are left thinking "what in the actual *expletive removed*!".Where was the ending? What happened to the big bad guy in the mountain? Wasn't the first 2 hours all about the inevitable fight with his brother? Why was the ending the two students going on holiday ? It's like the writers are saying "HAHAHAHA NOW YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE SEQUEL".Not me. Not this critic. I would rather battle with registration on this website, laboriously fathom the changing of my display name to Ghey Ken, and pontificate for the next hour, than waste another moment of my life being trolled by Hollywood.Furthermore, where the hell was Chun Lee ? What's the point of making a Street Figther movie if you aren't going to have the spinning bird kick. It would have been more realistic also, if the movie had stopped half way through and pretended to crash, tricking me into taking the disc out and blowing on it a few times.In conclusion, this movie is a joke. They are trolling you especially when u pay for it. Don't let them ruin your childhood memories by tricking you into watching this junk. Ken was cool. This guy needs his mommy and a hair brush. And as for balls of magic Chi whizzing thought the air, it worked better in the game. I almost turned it off the first time it happened in the movie. I wish had.Trust me, this review is far better than the movie. Thank you for reading it to the end, but save yourselves. Don't make the same mistake with this movie.


I've been waiting for a Street Fighter live action adaptation for ages...I mean there has been previous attempts, but that's all they were attempts, and they messed up the story so much that not even half way through those movies you'd go "What the hell???"...So after watching this feature film, I was completely blown away. They stayed true to the Street Fighter storyline and the moves were almost as in the games. the only one i kind of hated was the 'Hurricane Kick', which i felt wasn't up to par. I'm not saying i wanted to see a couple of guys spinning endlessly like in the game completely defying gravity, but a 720 degrees spin with three kicks would have been cool. The Hadouken, and Shoryuken, were awesome.The best thing for me was my favorite in game character, Ken Masters, the casting was spot on...Ryu was a close look-a-like as well, but Ken sold it for me and that Flaming Shoryuken epic. Akuma could have looked a little scarier though, but his finishing move, wasn't expecting that at all.So now am begging the producers and director to please, please do make a sequel or two. i would love to see your take on Chun Li, Guile, Bison,Sagat,and the most difficult of all Blanca and Dahalsim.This is a must watch for all Street Fighter fans and all those wanting to watch a good storyline.

PatrYk Jamroz

This is how you do a TV-show based on a video game right. Focused storytelling, great action, fantastic production values and some of most respectful treatment of the source material ever made.For me as a fan of the franchise it was especially delightful witnessing all the small details and wonderful nudges made for us the gamers. In hands of less capable people, things like "Ken giving Ryu his headband", would probably be omitted altogether. Not to say however that the hole package is only wrapped up in one big "fanservice" chain, it actually has other benefits as well. Everything is held together with pretty solid storytelling that knows its characters (and most importantly its limits). The best decision? By keeping the entire season only telling Ryu's, Ken's, Akuma's and Gouken's story which all four get fleshed out properly and feel, dear I say it, multidimensional. Even if the acting isn't always the best (Ken), the overall cast does a wonderful job at portraying - lets be honest - paper thin video game characters that only differentiated on some very basic levels, not talking gameplay-wise of course where the aggressive Ken plays nothing like Ryu. The game version of Ken was only really defined as the blond rich kid that was hot tempered and as goes for Ryu his best friend and full-time traveling bum... he searched always for a new opponent to fight and... well there wasn't that much more to go on. Assassins Fist changes that fact and brings some much desired meat that help establish the arcs, not only for our two protagonists but for the villains as well. The beautiful scenery and some truly nostalgic tunes enhance the experience so much you stop carrying about any small problems this ambitious series does have.Assassins Fist ends up been one of the best adaptations (in every possible way) that honors its heritage and works even as its own piece of entertainment. Highly recommended!

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