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WWE WrestleMania 22

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WWE WrestleMania 22

WrestleMania 22 was the twenty-second annual WrestleMania PPV. It was presented by Snickers and took place on April 2, 2006 at the Allstate Arena in the Chicago suburb of Rosemont, Illinois. The main match on the Raw brand was John Cena versus Triple H for the WWE Championship. The predominant match on the SmackDown! brand was a Triple Threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship between Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, and Randy Orton. Featured matches on the undercard included a No Holds Barred match between Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon, a Casket match between The Undertaker and Mark Henry, a WWE Women's Championship match between Mickie James and Trish Stratus and an interpromotional Money in the Bank ladder match featuring six participants. Tickets sold out in under two minutes, grossing US$2.5 million for the event, making it the highest grossing one-day event at the Allstate Arena. More than 17,155 people attended, with millions more watching in more than 90 countries.

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Release : 2006
Rating : 7.7
Studio : WWE Home Video, 
Crew : Wardrobe Master,  Weapons Master, 
Cast : John Cena Paul Michael Lévesque Kurt Angle Óscar Gutiérrez Randy Orton
Genre : Drama Action

Cast List

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That was an excellent one.


Don't listen to the negative reviews


It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

Owen Ogletree

This was another solid WrestleMania. There is some quality stuff on here for sure, and quite an electric crowd.Tag Team Championship Match: The Big Show and Kane (c) vs. Carlito and Chris Masters - A decidedly average opener. Nothing too bad, but nothing notable, either. Show and Kane retain the titles after Kane Chokeslammed Carlito. RATING: **1/2Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Rob Van Dam vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Finlay vs. Matt Hardy vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Ric Flair - Not as good as the first MITB match, but still a lot of fun. There are plenty of crazy spots throughout, and all 6 men had some stand-out moments. Rob Van Dam wins the briefcase. RATING: ***3/4United States Championship Match: Chris Benoit vs. JBL - It was alright, but it was too slow for my liking. I've seen better from Benoit, but this isn't too bad by JBL's standards. JBL wins the Championship by grabbing the rope. RATING: **3/4Hardcore Match: Edge vs. Mick Foley - "Hardcore" indeed. This was one crazy, brutal match. These two simply tore each other apart. Edge showed that he belonged in this type of environment. Edge wins by unforgettably spearing Foley through the flaming table. RATING: **** Booker T vs. The Boogeyman - Garbage. Pure Garbage. All I can say. RATING: DUDCasket Match: The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry - This match wasn't bad, but it wasn't good, either. This was a typical big man match. Nobody really believed that Mark Henry could end the streak. The Undertaker remains undefeated. RATING: **1/4No Holds Barred Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Vince McMahon - Nothing special wrestling-wise, but great as pure entertainment. It's so much fun to see Mr. McMahon get what he deserves. Shawn Michaels finishes him off with a Superkick. RATING: ***1/2Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship: Kurt Angle (c) vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton - This was a great triple threat match. The action was fast from bell to bell and Rey's title win was memorable. The problem is that it is too short. Rey Mysterio wins the title with a Hurricanerana. RATING: ***3/4WWE Championship Match: John Cena (c) vs. Triple H - A great main event with an epic feel to it. It may be remembered for the crowd booing the heck out of Cena, but these two managed to put on an exciting wrestling contest. John Cena retains with the STF. RATING: ****Boogeyman vs. Booker aside, this was a fun show from top to bottom, and well worth checking out.RATING: B


i ordered wrestlemania and it was great on my standards. The whole show was really good except for the pillow fight and the bogeyman match.onto the matches. the tag match between Kane and show vs carlito and masters was pretty good. like the finish and hate what happened after words when Kane and show lost the in the bank match. it was a real good match but in my opinion it was to short they should have got rid of the pillow fight and the bogeyman man match to add 10 extra minutes to it. rvd wins against Finlay,Matt hardy , lashly ,ric flair , Shelton Benjamin.hardcore match between edge and Mick Foley was a good well fought match with some classic hardcore moments. including Mr socko with barb wire around it. edge comes out the winner after a spear thru the table.womens title match. Mickie James vs Trish stratus. at last a good wresltemania match including women. pretty OK Mickie wins with the chick kick.or Mick kick in other words.U.s title match. jbl vs Chris Benoit. A pretty good match nice wrestling on Benoit's part. jbl cheats to win he title.Casket match. henry vs taker. sort of a predictable match where you knew taker would win because why would you destroy a perfect record on wrestlemania with henry. taker whens by putting them into casket.pillow fight and Bogey man match's. both crappy no need to explain. heavyweight title match. mysterio vs Orton vs angle. a good main event could have been longer then 9 minutes in my mind. mysterio wins with a 619.wwe title. cena vs triple h. nice shocking match i seriously though that triple h was going to win. ends up cena wins by making triple h tap out to the a step over toe lock.all in all a good ppv. only the 3rd wrestlemania iv seen but still enjoyable so i give it a good 8 out of ten only because I'm comparing it to wrestlemania 17.

Legend Killer

A good show. I've only got 1000 words, so let's get on with it.Kane & Big Show vs Carlito & The Master Piece - Decent enough opener, served it's purpose as the opening match. The events after the match planted the seeds for a Carlito/Masters feud. 6/10 Monney In The Bank Ladder Match - Stole the show! I think it's safe to say that Shelton Benjamin saved his career and started a whole new chapter in his professional wrestling life. He just might win the big one some day. After being misused for so long, RVD finally gets treated properly by the WWE bookers. 8.5/10 Mene Gene Okerland/Randy Orton/Batista segment - I still believe that the first time that you should see a superstar on a PPV is when their entrance music hits. Basically this segment planted the seeds for a Randy Orton/Batista feud.Hall Of Fame Segment - Now that Eddie Guerrero takes his rightful place in wrestling history. Hopefully the WWE can stop milking his death and let him rest in peace. By the way, is there any danger of the WWE putting Owen Hart in the Hall Of Fame (he was one of the best in ring performers to grace a WWE ring)? Chris Benoit vs JBL - Nobody expected this to be a classic. It wasn't anything special, but it was watchable (because Chris Benoit works so hard). An unexpected finish though. 5.5/10 Edge vs Mic Foley - Mic Foley can die a happy man, knowing that he finally has his defining Wrestle Mania moment. Edge didn't let Mic Foley take all of the bumps either, he wrestled his most impressive one on one match up to date. Well done to both men. 8/10 The freak segment - Very funny! Booker T vs The Boogeyman - Either release Booker T or put him in a match that he deserves to be in. The Boogeyman effectively ended his WWE career & did his best to take Booker T with him. 3/10 Trish Stratus vs Mickie James - Surprisingly good women's wrestling and a hyped crowd, made this match a classic women's match up. It could have stolen the show if Mickie James didn't do a Brock Lesnar (botch the biggest move of the match). It was actually Trish's fault. She didn't supply Mickie James with enough support to elevate onto the top rope. 6.5/10 The Undertaker vs Mark Henry - This was Mark Henry's chance to earn a contract extension. He blew it! The Undertaker saved this match in the last 5 min. Well done Undertaker for realising that it was Wrestle Mania and raising his game. 6/10 HBK vs Vince McMahon - The feud started slow, but ended well. HBK nearly stole the stole for the 4th straight Wrestle Mania. We all loved the DX crotch chop. Vince McMahon's really letting himself go physically, by the way. Good match! 7.5/10 World Heavyweight Championship - HHH nearly ruined Wrestle Mania by pulling rank and having the 'REAL' main event moved to the 3rd to last match on the card. Kurt Angle was superb. Randy Orton did his job, but seemed like he was there to make sure that people bought the PPV, e.g. HBK at Wrestle Mania XX. Rey Misterio deserves some genuine success, not just the novelty success that the WWE usually gives him. Good match, but too short. 8/10 Lingerie Pillow Fight - Next! 2/10 (you get 2 just for getting into the ring) WWE Championship - Sometimes the crowd makes a match when the wrestling is just ordinary, e.g. Hogan/Andre The Giant WM III, Hogan/Warrior WM VI, Hogan/Rock WM XVIII (basically every Hogan match). Wrestle Mania 22, definitely Cena's defining moment in his career so far. It's evident that Vince is standing his ground and won't stop promoting Cena until we just cheer for him. Triple H must have cheated on Stephanie or something like that. That's the only reason I can think of for Vince making HHH tap out to Cena at Wrestle Mania. 7.5/10 Overall a very good Wrestle Mania. Probably in the top 5 of all time.


A very enjoyable Wrestlemania, a lot better then last year. Great matches, a crowd that was loud, bizarre and relentless. Here's a recap1. Chris Masters & Carlito Vs. Big Show & Kane - Tag Titles 7/10, A solid opener with Kane and Big Show coming off really effective as the dominant force, Carlito was way over with the crowd in this one. WINNER - BIG SHOW AND KANE2. Money In The Bank Ladder Match 9/10 I can't stress how much I enjoyed this match, it was far better then last year's, Benjamin and R.V.D were awesome, Benjamin performs a leap from the top rope onto the ladder, absolute awesome. Lashley was pretty poor, Hardy, Flair and Finlay held their own. R.V.D was way over. WINNER - RVD3. Chris Benoit Vs. J.B.L - US Title 5/10 As expected an average match, I like JBL's promos but he's not the most entertaining wrestler to watch. A bit of a surprising and anti climatic ending. WINNER - JBL4. Edge Vs. Mick Foley - Hardcore Match 7.5/10 Super match, great spots, the ending was awesome, you must see it. Hats off to the risk taking from Edge and Foley. WINNER - EDGEA super segment involving Snitsky, Mae Young, Goldust, Booker T, Sharmell, Million Dollar Man and Eugene.5. Booker T & Sharmell Vs. Boogeyman 3.5/10 As I didn't expect much from this match I wasn't too disappointed but it's fair to say Boogeyman cannot wrestle a dot bit. The match is rather predictable to be honest. Boring chants break out during the match. WINNER - BOOGEYMAN6. Trish Stratus Vs. Mickie James - Women's Title 6.5/10 A strong women's encounter but what was most exciting was the crowd, Mickie was so over with the crowd, everything she did was cheered and Trish was predominantly booed out the building. It was going so well and I was growing on Mickie but then she proved what I've been saying for months, she's sloppy. She botches a stratus faction which the crowd let her know about. WINNER - MICKIE7. Undertaker Vs. Mark Henry - Casket Match 4/10 Now I am no huge Undertaker fan but this guy deserves so much better then Mark Henry, Undertaker tried as hard as he could but Henry is just so lame that there is nothing Taker can do to make this match interesting, it's slow, boring and so predictable even for the most retarded mark. WINNER - UNDERTAKERAnother great segment this time with the McMahon's, Vince says a prayer and has a few words with God - funny stuff.8. Shawn Michaels Vs. Vince McMahon - No Holds Barred 7/10 A plain and simple McMahon beat down from HBK, it is so much fun to watch and probably edges the Hogan/Vince match of WM19. HBK performs a stunning elbow drop from the top of a ladder. WINNER - HBK9. Rey Mysterio Vs. Kurt Angle Vs. Randy Orton - World Heavyweight Title 8/10 I wanted and thought I would be giving this match 10/10 but due to the fact it was so short I just couldn't do it, none the less it was very good, Kurt Angle carried this match like never before, he was at his best. As for Rey, well I felt sorry for him, it was his crowning moment and the crowd pooed all over it, they booed him every time he went to hit Angle, a shame really but hey it's Kurt Angle you beat him up you annoy a heck load of people. WINNER - REY MYSTERIO10. Torrie Vs. Candice - Pillow fight 2/10 Oh dear, okay these two are so sexy but they are so lame in the ring it becomes a crime to watch, as expected from the rampaging crowd, they proceed in crapping all over this match. An awful match but it wasn't pointless as they needed a toilet break match in somewhere. They also needed a match to put in between the World title matches in order to kill the crowd, which they did and did so in flying colours. WINNER - TORRIE11. John Cena Vs. Triple H - WWE Championship 9/10 Remember Rock/Hogan WM18 how the crowd ate up and made that match, well exactly the same here. This match was the main event and judging by crowd reaction to it, it's good it was. It wasn't a technical wrestling showcase but a heart pounding, near falls, emotionally charged match up. They both have weird entrances by the way. At first the crowd really get on Cena's back and are well into the Game, I thought both men played to the crowd spectacularly, I thought a few of the chants towards Cena were unacceptable and went beyond what it should go, after all this is just entertainment. As the match went on the crowd got louder and louder and they seemed to swerve a bit towards Cena that made for the old 50/50 chanting banter, a "Let's go Cena" "Cena sucks" chant breaks out, really good stuff and a few more false endings before the match comes to a dramatic and surprising ending. WINNER - JOHN CENAAll in all a very good Wrestlemania, anyone who says otherwise is just sum stuck up smark who can't get their head out their rare end. The crowd were brutal and loud, thumbs up to Wrestlemania 22. Some strong matches but a few diobolical ones.

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