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Up and Down

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Up and Down

Milan and Goran are two criminals who smuggle illegal immigrants. One night after they complete a smuggle, they discover that one of the immigrants has left a baby behind. Milan and Goran decide to sell the baby to Lubos and Eman, who are responsible for running an illegal baby adoption center. Lubos and Eman make attempts to sell the baby to Miluska and Frantisek, a barren couple.

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Release : 2004
Rating : 6.9
Studio : Total HelpArt T.H.A., 
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Petr Forman Jan Tříska Emília Vášáryová Nataša Burger Ingrid Timková
Genre : Drama Comedy

Cast List



Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


Perfect cast and a good story


At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.


I share the earlier reviews posted here except for the one that calls the movie, script, etc. "stupid". The movie is unusual when compared to what an American would consider the "norm". It does not have a main story line, a hero or a heroine, but still manages a rather heroic act to address sensitive and uncomfortable issues of contemporary Czech society without apologies and in a very realistic way. It does this by presenting several unrelated stories that are nevertheless intervowen, a technique that was reminiscent of an earlier Czech movie called "Buttoners" (knoflikari). The movie is strangely touching, but I found it also pretty depressing, forcing the viewer to contemplate the tremendous changes due to changing demographics that Europe in general, and Czech Republic in particular, are experiencing.


The director Jan Hrebejk tried to make a film in the style of "Magnolia" by PTA...But...Up and down is just a some kind of derivation of Magnolia for average viewers from Czech republic. The script by Peter Jarchovský is stupid, boring, full of vulgarisms and directing is stupid too.By the way - Director of photography used very strange photo-filters (e.g. extremely yellow).The good side of this movie is acting. All actors are very good, especially Jaroslav Dusek or Jiri MachacekUp and down is a comedy, but it isn't any piece of humor in there. Up and down is a drama too, but without any dramatic scenes...No Up..only down...Sorry, fans of Hrebejk...


Up and Down has a subtle mix of stories from several strata of modern Czech life. Those who fled the communist takeover, those who stayed and suffered; those who're rising and those mired; those haunted by their past and those who ignore it. Each aspect of the story is given weight and the actors shine in their individual moments. The direction shows a love of the Czech people and republic without shying away from their darker selves.A Czech co-worker of my spouse said, "I love this movie. And it's completely realistic." Those who like Mike Leigh will enjoy this film and those who enjoy this film should check out Mr. Leigh's work (perhaps especially "Secrets and Lies).


"Up and Down" presents a portrait of a country in transition. Director Jan Hrebejk is commenting on what he is seeing around him in the Czech Republic. After years of Soviet domination, the country has turned into a democracy where the old norms and the new reality clash with one another to produce an uncertain time in the country.There are basically three stories going on in the film. There is the Horecky family, who is in crisis. Then there is the young couple, unable to have children, and finally, we have the petty criminals intent in getting into all sorts of crime to further their interests.In a way, the film is a microcosm of a society that is adapting itself to the present reality of a free economy. Unfortunately, things appear to be chaotic as we take a look at the film. The old ideas and the new ones are in direct opposition. The older generation doesn't like what their country is being turned into. They watch in horror how all kinds of foreigners are invading their land, which seem to be a global problem, as illegal aliens want a piece of the capitalist pie.In a way, Martin, the returning son of Professor Horecky, sees a changed society, but wants no part of what he encounters. Having lived in Australia for over twenty years, he has a different attitude and will not stay to participate in what will happen. At the same time, his coming back opens many wounds he thought were healed by now.For Frantisch and Miluska, their reality is different. She wants to have children and he can't give them to her. She will do anything in order to get a baby. Miluska even resorts to buy the infant that some smugglers find in their truck. Even in this new society, xenophobia is present in the form of the captain of the football fan club that discovers that the baby is not white.One has to commend the director for presenting his ideas in such an interesting way. The cast is excellent under Mr. Hrebejk's direction. The only sour note to the total enjoyment of the film is that the print recently shown locally, has a yellowish tint and the subtitles are, for the most part, unreadable, which is a shame. Mr. Hrebejk next offering will be eagerly anticipated.

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