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Watch Jelangkung For Free


Four young people start investigating urban legends in Jakarta. Not satisfied with their findings, they head for a more challenging phenomenon situated at Angkerbatu, West Java. One of them brings a ouija board-type toy called "Jelangkung" to call spirits which changes their life upon returning to Jakarta.

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Release : 2001
Rating : 6.5
Studio : PT Rexinema Multimedia Pratama, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Production Design, 
Cast : Winky Wiryawan Melanie Ariyanto Ronny Dozer Harry Panca Ian Bahtiar
Genre : Horror

Cast List



I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.


This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows


Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.


Four college students, apparently that's what they are, share the same hobby of looking for urban ghosts, the purpose of which is never made clear throughout the film. During one of their quests, they tampers with a really mean evil spirit which in turn terrorises them. They spend the remaining length of the movie trying to get the p***ed-off demon off their back.I had the misfortune of watching this movie on a vcd, sometime around midnight and alone..big mistake. the directors have the knack at reliving local ghosts and spooky legends, i.e. the murdered child, the handicapped nurse and they were portrayed so real that i found myself glancing to the window of my room several times, half expecting those frightening apparitions to appear. Spooky.However, i'd have to say that's just about it. Despite some cool MTVish camerawork (the scene in which they walk into the dark abandoned building with their flashlight on and the music that goes with it), the storyline is pretty lame and the acting is even worse. the actors cannot really convey emotion and the lines were badly written..and delivered. i cant identify, let alone, root for the supposed antagonists.There's a strong smell of 'Blair Witch Project' (the scariest horror film of all time)..especially the scenes on the wood. unfortunately the woods and the tomb in 'Jelangkung' lack the horror credibility. the tomb looks as if it was made a couple days before the shooting begin.Nonetheless, it's scary allright. but nothing more...


If you liked the American THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT than you probably will love the Indonesian pendant JELANGKUNG. The story is neither new nor original, but the directors manage to film truly scary and creepy sequences that send shiver down the spine and let your neck hairs stand up. Another example that you don't need money to make an outstanding horror film. It's nice to see Indonesia back in the horror field, and I do hope that JELANGKUNG will get the praise it so deserves. One of the best scary horror movies of the new millennium, this one is about a hundred times scarier than most of the new Hollywood films that call themselves 'horror'. JELANGKUNG deserves the highest rating, no doubt about it! 10/10


This movie is unbelievably suck! I can't believe it.. Nothing in this movie is good. Selling an urban legend, with a completely ridiculous story line and "can't act at all" actors...What a waste...


What ever happened if we mess with the dead? Death! That's what happening with this four young people which have a bizarre hobby to hunt these urban legend ghost . They still never met with the ghosts that they looking for, until they went to a remote village to unlock the dark secret of that village, with playing Jelangkung, a traditional ghost calling game with a medium. They think they not succeed to raised the dead, so they decided to went back home. They should do the "think again"! The evil manage to catch them up, and the terror begins!If Japan has `Ringu' and Hong Kong has `The Eye', Indonesia has `Jelangkung'. Jelangkung is the most successful horror movies ever made in Indonesia and haunting the theaters for months.In my point of view, `Jelangkung' is a so-so horror film. Even it manage to scare the peoples who's watched it, but technically I think the directors (Rizal Mantovani & Jose Purnomo) should need to return the movie to editing room once again. They often trapped in unneeded situations and boring conversation (that looks hard to looks scientific!). The movie even can be shorter! The audio department needs to re-record. But I must raise my hat for the cinematography by Jose Purnomo, because it looks so slick and hip and spoiling our eyes. The acting is not award worthy, but considering this is their pictorial debut, they do well to integral their self with the movie's construction. Considering the tight budget that it had, "Jelangkung" is really a well-done film feature. Now we gain other talented directors to make the Indonesian movies more colorful. The sequel (`Tusuk Jelangkung') is going to out this year. I hope the new director (Dimas Djayadiningrat) could make it even better than this one. 5/10

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