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Mass, an orphan, bonds well with his landlord's son, Adi, who is in love with a mafia head's daughter. Attempting to separate the lovers, the gangsters kill Adi and Mass sets out to seek revenge.

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Release : 2004
Rating : 6.5
Studio : Annapurna Studios, 
Crew : Cinematography,  Director, 
Cast : Nagarjuna Akkineni Jyothika Rahul Dev Charmy Kaur Raghuvaran
Genre : Drama Action Crime Romance

Cast List



Very best movie i ever watch


Thanks for the memories!


Such a frustrating disappointment

Clarissa Mora

The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.


What was that, ...... a Plane? a Bird? or just another crappy South India movie that just doesn't make any sense...1st of all, why does Nagarjuna keeps repeating (in Hindi) that he is only the real MARD (MAN).. and then blah blah blah, I mean the guy is so full of gas, he just may fly away.And which girl in her right mind would fall for a guy, who is so full of himself. Cmon now.. making Typhoons with their legs. I can understand the exaggeration by Kung-Fu movies, but this is ridiculous. The Chinese at least have a base. Show the same stuff with Kalaripattyu and I can understand, but a person who is as strong as Lord Hanumana himself. This is just an utter piece of crap I have no idea how this even got 6+ starts

Avinash Patalay

I really wonder if the real intention behind the movie was to pay tribute or 1980's era of movie-making or give Balaiyyah a stiff competition. Every possible dose of masala you would find in a movie of 1980 is incorporated. Clearly Paruchuri Brothers are still living and enjoying their old era where cinematic liberties are at its best.Nag's performance is OTT. A sensitive, sensible person like Nag succumbing to such levels is indeed pathetic state of affairs. One should appreciate the guts of Nag to believe in the story, produce it and even act in it. Should seriously get back to RGV and Mani Ratnam.Raghuvaran does a la Rober De Nero including his signature smirk. In 1980's that was viewed as good acting, by today's standards it loud acting.Rahul Dev is alright. Probably using this opportunity to keep himself busy and earn bread and butter in the process.Suneel is turning into v2.0 of Kota.PS: what kind of city is this? Where the pretty girl's brother is a goon?


The production values of this flick seem good enough but its not enough to justify watching this. You can probably watch it if you have absolutely nothing to do on a lazy afternoon. Nag appears to think too much of himself and constantly overacts in this movie, acting like a badass but only ends up putting an embarrassing performance which will make you cringe. His charmless and extremely arrogant acting is perhaps reserved only for the die hard Nagarjuna fans. He is so powerful that even the villain fails to intimidate. There's nothing new in the story and its basically Boys trying to make Girl fall in love with him and the bad guy is somehow related to the girl. There are one or two twists and the fight scenes have at least been choreographed decently to point after which they become the regular ridiculous fare.

saratchandra Kasivajjala

OK so we have a car mechanic who all of a sudden manages to become a weapons and explosives expert with no apparent training whatsoever. Once you've placed these things out of your mind, you can start wondering as to why in heavens name jyothika really fell in love with Nag. OK once you've put that also out of your mind. You can actually watch some good action. Some of the fights are actually well made. There are a few good twists in the movie. Rahul dev has put in a good performance. He looks mean enough to be a good villain! ;) Raghuvaran of course does ample justice to his role. I however felt he went out in a very simple way at the end of the movie. This one is meant to be watched only if you have nothing better to do on a Sunday evening (which I would assume is a rare thing!).

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