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My Wife's Romance

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My Wife's Romance

When Paul dies, he leaves his wife Eve with a mountain of debt. As the police begin their investigation into Paul’s death, Eve is supported by a lawyer named Chollet, a friend of her husband who generously helps her to clear the debts she has inherited. Eve and Chollet become close, perhaps too close, and their intimacy soon begins to arouse the suspicions of the police..

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Release : 2011
Rating : 5.8
Studio : ARTE France Cinéma,  Elzévir Films, 
Crew : Production Design,  Cinematography, 
Cast : Olivier Gourmet Léa Seydoux Kseniya Rappoport Thibault Vinçon Sacha Bourdo
Genre : Drama

Cast List



Save your money for something good and enjoyable


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.


At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.


It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,


Paul, the young husband of Eve, disappears mysteriously one morning. His early routine takes him into the nearby woods, where he runs. A nearby river might be a problem. Could Paul have drowned? Eve, showing signs of despair, reports to the police her missing husband. She goes accompanied by Maitre Chollet, a lawyer who was a mentor to Paul.Chollet, a widower, in his fifties, wants to help Eve, whatever it takes. One realizes his altruistic nature is not exactly what really motivates the attorney to give the grieving Eve the support she needs in her anguished state. Chollet ended his association with Paul after the young man lost two cases for important clients.Eve, out of nowhere decides to call Alexandre, a former lover, now happily married. They agree on a meeting, which never takes place because he has decided not to fall for Eve's charms again, when he has his own family. Chollet, who claims has a bad heart makes it clear to Eve he wanted her along all the time, despite his not being upfront about his own relationship with Paul regarding legal matters. One night, he pleads Eve to go for a refill for his heart medicine, but being Sunday, all pharmacies are closed. Alexandre surprises her making her late in getting the pills for the ailing Chollet."Le roman de ma femme" directed and co-written by Jamshed Usmonov, is an attempt for a thriller with the right elements in it. There is the old lawyer, who might have a motive for the disappearance of his former colleague, whom he mentored. Then is Eve, a courageous young woman who might not be all she claims to be. Eve has a lot of things at stake when she faces the loss of her comfortable lifestyle when her husband appears to have been swallowed by quicksand. Things in general are deceiving, a point M. Usmonov keeps going nicely in the thriller.Lea Seydoux, one of the rising young stars in France, is Eve. Ms. Seydoux has done excellent work in "Sister", currently playing in New York, as well as in "Farewell My Queen". She exudes intelligence and she joins a new crop of French actresses that are making a name for themselves, besides being easy on one's eyes for their beauty. Veteran Oliver Gourmet is seen as the duplicitous lawyer Chollet. The excellent Gilles Cohen appears as the police inspector in charge of the investigation of Paul's disappearance. Ksenia Rappoport shows up briefly as Alexandre's wife.

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