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Set in a fictional medieval world, this is the story of Asbrey of Westender. Once a great heroic knight, he has mysteriously fallen from grace. One night he drunkenly bets and loses his ring, his last possession of worth. He then embarks on a mission to regain his ring and, in due course, confront the demons of his past.

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Release : 2004
Rating : 4.4
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Blake Stadel Rob Simonsen Maren McGuire
Genre : Fantasy Action Science Fiction

Cast List



If you don't like this, we can't be friends.


Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .


It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

Sarita Rafferty

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

Matt Kegs

If you view the trailer for this film you will see every single remotely "exciting" scene in the entire movie. I feel like the dialogue couldn't have been more than a few pages total. The best parts are where you get to see some beautiful scenery during the protagonist's walking. The only consistent thing about this film is that you will be consistently tired of watching the protagonist walk. I had to look this movie up on the internet to make sure it was a satire (and even if it was I didn't think it was a very funny joke).It's not that the constant walking is what turned me off the most. The slow pace of the travel, along with the slow (if not nonexistent) pace of the movie, both help portray how long, hard, and slow a real journey would be (compare that to the absurd, montage-heavy movies of today). However, he spends all this time on his obnoxiously slow "journey", but there is no indication to the audience that the protagonist is anywhere different than where he started, geographically or in character development. The protagonist is also pretty unlikable. He even grunts sporadically throughout the entire movie, and I don't even know how to critique that other than saying that I hated it. I hated those stupid grunts so much. There were a few times where he was supposed to be portrayed as epic/dangerous/mysterious/etc. but they tried so hard that these moments were absurdly over-the-top or heavy-handed. The same try-too-hard attitude can be said for the "symbolism" in this movie (much of which felt like symbolism for symbolism's sake).Between the various failed attempts at being "artistic", the poor pacing, contrived "plot", lack of meaningful dialogue, mediocre or completely laughable acting, poor lighting, unlikable protagonist, and all other negative factors, you get a bad movie.I've seen some bad movies. I like plenty of movies that I know are bad. This movie is so horrible its not even enjoyable to make fun of. I created an IMDb account just to write this review and say this: This is the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. I hate it more than I hate Baby Geniuses and Crossroads combined. I've never watched a movie in which I cheered for the bad guys, but this movie changed that. I found myself begging for someone to kill the protagonist before the movie was halfway over. I wanted someone to put him and me out of our misery, and yet I couldn't walk away. I watched it to the end because I couldn't believe that a movie could possibly be this bad. Surely it had to do something/go somewhere/get better by the end of it, and I suffered through the whole thing with nothing to show for it but 2 hours down the toilet.TL;DR: My least favorite movie of all time. Don't see it even if you like "artsy" movies. Don't see it even if you like "bad" movies. Don't see it, ever.


I persevered with this movie thinking that somewhere along the line it would all come together. I really wish that i could have those 102 minutes of my life back so that i could do something worthwhile with them. No real storyline, no real plot, no real idea of what it was trying to be. Just a series of unrelated scenes with a lead actor who makes Clive Owen look like Olivier. At one point near the end in the desert scene a young child ran off crying, i really thought that she was going to ask her mother to get her out of this picture.... The ending made me think that this was a really bad pilot for a really bad series that hopefully will never be made.


Young men who haven't figured out who they are or how they are supposed to live should not tell stories. This silly movie teaches that it's better to run away when the going gets tough than to be brave and loyal and fight for your buddy, or family or whatever. It also teaches that if you are doing really stupid selfish things but you are special in some way, that you can continue to do really stupid selfish things and the good spirits will come help you anyway. It also teaches that when you are doing these really stupid selfish things and you go into the desert and you face difficulty and some really scary looking women in the distance that it's alright to throw a temper tantrum, and be really reckless with your stuff and the good spirits will reward you by coming and taking care of you anyway.I was quite annoyed by this movie because it doesn't teach anything worthwhile and instead teaches the exact opposite - that it's all quite random and pointless. That the decisions and choices we make don't really matter and that you fate is really out of your hands, so go ahead and be a dumb, selfish, petulant ass and it's all good. This movie teaches entitlement and rewards bad behavior. It's shocking to me that some young men who created this movie tried to take the trappings of a 'hero journey' and didn't get the substance of it AT ALL, put the ingredients in there, but COMPLETELY missed the point. Grrrrr


And I'm not kidding. To say this movie is slow is an understatement. The screenplay must read: He walked through the forest. Then he walked through the forest some more. He walked through the forest even more. Now he walks through a desert. He walks through the desert some more. He walks through the forest... Not much there. The characterization is horrible and the acting is so stilted it hurt. The lines sounded like they were read on a teleprompter - badly. We never do learn who the main character is and just why he is in his current state. The characters that he crosses paths with are one dimensional at best. I rate this one of the worst movies I have seen in the past 10 years. 1 out of 10.

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