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Watch A.P.E.X. For Free


A time-travel experiment in which a robot probe is sent from the year 2073 to the year 1973 goes terribly wrong thrusting one of the project scientists,into a plague ravaged alternate time-line whose war weary inhabitants are locked in a constant battle with killer robots from the future.

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Release : 1994
Rating : 4.3
Studio : Republic Pictures (II),  Green Communications, 
Crew : Set Decoration,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Richard Keats Lisa Ann Russell Kathleen Randazzo Kareem H. Captan Marklen Kennedy
Genre : Action Science Fiction

Cast List



Wow! Such a good movie.


Horrible, fascist and poorly acted


Deeper than the descriptions

Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

Frank Markland

A soldier is sent back to the past and after apprehending a robot, finds out that he has changed his present day and a virus has been spread which has started a war against humans and robots. You know the drill. Phillip J. Roth's tiresome effort is very frustrating because of how it refuses to take advantage of its intriguing ideas. The future is turned into a wasteland and the film is a long fight sequence with boring opponents for our soldier hero to fight, there is also a love angle but unlike say The Terminator, it just slows the movie down and adds nothing of depth. The problem is that the hero spends too much time in his future wasteland rather than going back to change what went wrong, making this into a standard action flick. The movie does have impressive production values, some of the action sequences are well staged and the movie is directed well but for me I missed the science fiction and was disappointed. Roth fared much better with 1998's Total Reality which played on the time paradoxes.* * out of 4-(Fair)


In opposite to my usual reviews, I won't spend too much time on this one... 'cause, whoever you are(age, sex, etc.) it sucks. Period.BUT - it doesn't mean that we can't enjoy some of its elements!I accidentally fell on used VHS versions of this movie a few times. The cover wasn't subtle, you knew it was B-grade from the very beginning, so it never reached my very heart... Then, one day, I bought a small lot of used VHS movies at 1$CND each, and I included this one: I was curious, that's all.Now that you know how I came to know this piece of poo, here's my opinion: The story is more obvious on the back of the VHS box, than in the movie. But once you get it, it leaves you cold and indifferent. Some Terminator influences can't hide behind this medium-budget production: Metallic humanoids robots with red eye who start to hunt down humans in a post-apocalyptic future, preceded and succeeded by time travels, sick and poor humans living underground, etc.Add a love story to that, a perfect collection of stereotyped characters, a good "made in USA" feeling, fantastic CGI special effects right out of the 90's, armors made from roller-blade protectors, LOTS of identical explosions (which are clearly exploding behind of before the target), a very pathetic, inconsequently and problematic use of "the butterfly effect" theory, all of this obviously taking place in the same repetitive vicinities and played by average actors. You get the idea? Great.As I said earlier, it is not original. But I'm pretty sure that if you take the same budget and the same idea, and give it to any b-grade producer, you couldn't really do better.Finally, if, as I did, you don't take it seriously, you may get entertained a little bit by it's very cliché sequences, but it won't change the fact that this movie still sucks.


I really like the premise of the film; time travel; time continuum violation; a scientist trapped in a violent world. His wife in his own world, is now,in his new world, a tough soldier, stricken with a fatal virus; and she doesn't even like him. He is trying desperately to repair the damage to time, and return the world from that of a violent war zone, beset by robots trying to exterminate all human life, to his own advanced and sophisticated culture. The idea, and the low budget presentation, are intriguing. I do not believe that every science fiction film can or will have a huge budget and expensive special effects. I enjoyed the actors, the acting and the adventure. I was able to immerse myself in the characters and flow right through the film with them. A.P.E.X has a strong plot, excellent continuity, good science, adventure, suspense and lots of excitement. The director did an excellent job of creating a world on the verge of extinction, hanging onto its humanity by slender threads. The only elements I did not care for at all, were the extremely foul language that pervaded the entire film; and the degrading stereotyping of the black soldier. He was a good actor, and had a lot more to offer than that of a modern day ghetto brute. His character could have been rough and crude without being completely obscene. All they had to do was leave out all the bad language. The actor did a fine job with his role anyway. I enjoyed his rendition of his character. I often think that some day, in a more enlightened cultural time frame, we are going to be completely ashamed of the foul language that currently pervades and debases even our finest films. There will possibly be an effort to clean up the old films, and a debate will rage as to whether this is akin to colorization, and destroys the artistic intent of the films. Let us hope. At any rate, A.P.E.X. is an enjoyable science fiction experience, even with the obscenities intact. I recommend it for mature science fiction fans.


APEX is one in a long line of horrible Sci-Fi films made during the 1990's, by people attempting to take advantage of special effects technology, with little or no movie to go along with them. They appear daily on the Sci-Fi channel, which is a complete waste of time itself, with the exception of Mystery Science Theatre 3000.Don't waste your time.There is little or no story to this movie. Some people end up on a planet (why, exactly, I forget) and they spend the rest of film blowing up one robot after another. For an equivalent experience, dress up a couple friends in SWAT uniforms and videotape them shooting beer cans for 2 hours. Make sure one of the friends is female, and have a dull, pointless, and totally unsexy love scene at some point.The obligatory horrible dialogue is omnipresent, and would make Mark Hammill retch. And it's not so bad that it's funny, it's just nauseatingly bad.Why the Sci-Fi channel insists on showing this garbage repeatedly escapes me. They seem to prefer showing tripe to good Science Fiction films, or even silly camp films like Godzilla. It's probably why my cable company doesn't carry them anymore.APEX is a complete waste of space. Let it collect dust on the shelf at your local rental store until they get tired of looking at it and pitch it in the bargain bin for $2.99. Buy it and record record hockey games or something over it.

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