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Danger Beneath the Sea

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Danger Beneath the Sea

Following a nuclear weapons testing accident in North Korea, the crew of a US Navy submarine experiences a communications breakdown. Believing that a nuclear war has started, the senior officers prepare for retaliation, but one man is not so sure.

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Release : 2001
Rating : 4.7
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Writer, 
Cast : Casper Van Dien Gerald McRaney Stewart Bick Tammy Isbell Ron White
Genre : Action

Cast List



People are voting emotionally.


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

Donald Seymour

This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

Grumpy Pheasant

This is Crimson Tide. They used a clever trick to hide their misdeed: they replaced most mentions of "Russia" with "North Korea" and switched the roles between the captain and the first officer. Cunning little ones. Some scenes appear to be directly lifted from Crimson Tide and recreated shot-for-shot.That is, the "penny dreadful" version of Crimson Tide. How did they manage to make it so much worse?Well, the addition of a stockpile of corny dialogue helped. The characters aren't much short of just uttering "OMG, it's that deadly pass, the captain is so brave and ingenious and we nearly hit that wreck like, I could touch it, like!"As did the pointless manicheanism. The whole point of Crimson Tide was that all aboard were taking what they thought was the right course of action and that a nuclear conflict nearly arose because the US Navi protocols were inadequate. In this movie, it's hammered home quite clearly that the first officer and his men are just your usual "baddies". Their motivations are just nefarious.And let's not forget the pointless "action" scenes and their accompanying clichés. We're not even spared the terrible "oh! The gun fired between them! Who's dead, is it the baddie or the good guy? Lookie, it's the baddie!" scene. That was never an interesting scene, why do bad movies insist on reusing it ad nauseam?Don't watch this, watch Crimson Tide. Partly because it's objectively better in all respects (writing, acting, directing, effects) and partly because there's no reason to endorse blatant plagiarism.


Without the mega-budget and superstars, this B movie is pretty good movie to watch." Admiral Justice (Gerald McRaney) has high hopes for golden-boy Commander Miles Sheffield, (Casper Van Dien) and assigns him to the nuclear submarine USS Lansing. But Sheffield's appointment doesn't sit well with veteran officer Albert Kenner (Stewart Bick), who was passed over for the captain's post; a virulent anti-Communist, Kenner shares his grievances with the sub's like-minded swabbies. An unexpected power surge in North Korea causes a secret, ocean-based missile test to go awry, the resulting jolt disrupts the Lansing's communication systems and gives the erroneous impression that the ship has been attacked. Sheffield, who's untested in combat, advises laying low until he can confirm the hostile strike. But the paranoid Kenner does everything he can to undermine Sheffield's authority and, after they surface in a Korean Harbor, a radioactive powder rains on both the officers. Between the fact that the bay side city is dark (there's been a power blackout) and the nuclear shower, Kenner's worst fears seem to have been confirmed. Though Sheffield's wait-and-see policy is entirely appropriate, Kenner stages a mutiny and allows Sheffield to go untreated for radiation sickness. With his inner circle in place, Kenner activates a nuclear strike against North Korea. An international incident seems imminent; there's no way for Admiral Justice to contact the Lansing so Admiral Justice orders the USS Mako to search and destroy the Lansing.P.S Great acting from all the cast, especially Casper Van Dien, Gerald McRaney and Ron White.


Danger beneath the sea is an excellent movie.It's similar to the movie Crimson Tide but this time it's an attack boat that has a mutiny and threatens to launch nuclear tipped Tomahawk missiles and start world war 3. It's a must see for anyone interested in subs and it is an excellent action / adventure movie. While in some respects the movie is not 100% technically accurate and the naval jargon is dumbed down a bit the filmography is excellent. Inaccuracies aside the threat of nuclear launch is a lot more believable than in the movie Crimson Tide.Crimson Tide and the Hunt for Red October are two other excellent movies but they are out of date. This time the theoretical enemy is North Korea. This movie also takes a close look at the decisions a submarine skipper must make in isolation of commanders above him. It's amazing that a two billion dollar piece of machinery that can fire nuclear missiles is commanded by a person under the age of thirty.


Crimson Tide did it better.Conflict aboard an American submarine which loses contact with the rest of the world owing to a nuclear accident in North Korea.Skipper Caspar Van Diem urges caution,gung-ho second in command Shane Daley leads mutiny.Teeth are gritted,jaws are tightened ,testosterone pumps,cliches abound and after too long an interval the credits roll Makes Sub Down look good Pity because I rate Van Diem a lot but he seems stuck in TV and DTV purgatory

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