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Zapruder Film

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Zapruder Film

The Zapruder film is a silent 8mm color motion picture sequence shot by Abraham Zapruder with a Bell & Howell home-movie camera, as United States President John F. Kennedy’s motorcade passed through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. Unexpectedly, it captured the President’s assassination.

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Release : 1991
Rating : 7.8
Studio :
Crew : Director, 
Cast : John F. Kennedy Jacqueline Kennedy John Connally
Genre : History Documentary

Cast List



Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful


I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.


The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.


The home movie footage that caught the assassination of the American President, John F. Kennedy.I had assumed that I had seen this film a dozen times, maybe one hundred times. But I guess I was seeing lower grade copies, and probably just clips, Seeing the complete film, with its 2012 remastering... wow. I had no idea the film was so nasty and gory. It may be one of the more disturbing things you will ever see, and definitely the most disturbing to be considered worth preserving by the Library of Congress.The version I saw also had commentary, which seemed a bit questionable, such as the crowd chasing the assassin up the grassy knoll. Was that Zapruder talking or added later? I presume the latter.


Zapruder Film of Kennedy Assassination (1963) It's impossible to "review" this 39-second clip but I think it's safe to say it's probably the most shocking and violent footage that was out there up until 9/11 hit. There's no denying the importance of this film and it's easy to say it's one of the most important bits of footage ever captured and one really has to wonder what would history be like had Abraham Zapruder not been there in Dallas that day filming. I mean, can you imagine if this footage was never shot or if it was never released to the public? These 39-seconds are without question rather hard to watch and it's just amazing that all the key moments of the assassination are captured and at such a good location. I've heard rumors from various conspiracy theories that there's actually more footage but there were bits and pieces removed that clearly showed that there were more shots fired. How true this here actually is will never be know just like the countless other theories out there. There's no audio but that's probably a good thing. Can you imagine the screams and all the chaos that would have been captured even perhaps the words of Zapruder?


I don't think there's another piece of film that has been more dissected than the Zapruder film. For an amateur with vertigo, I think he did a very commendable job of capturing the scene, even as chaos ensued. From the Umbrella Man, to the Black Dog Man, to the Badgeman, this video has been the source of so many alleged "sightings" and conspiracy theories. While gruesome, it is also riveting. You cannot help but look closely at the film--to try to see what others have seen, or to spot something new--up until the goosebump-inducing frames when the President is shot.I ultimately gave this 9 out of 10. Honestly, this was arbitrary. How do you put a number on such history?


This is quite possibly the most monumental piece of live footage ever captured by an amateur photographer. The film of JFK's fatal shooting is, in itself, not particularly entertaining or interesting unless it is in a re-mastered and "shake-free" form. However, the impact of this film on the controversy surrounding one of the most famous assassinations in world history cannot be denied.The best showcase for this piece of film can be found in Oliver Stone's brilliant film, JFK.

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