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The Devil's Rock

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The Devil's Rock

Set in the Channel Islands on the eve of D Day, two Kiwi commandos, sent to destroy German gun emplacements to distract Hitler's forces away from Normandy, discover a Nazi occult plot to unleash demonic forces to win the war.

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Release : 2011
Rating : 5.7
Studio : New Zealand Film Commission,  Severe Features,  Chameleon Pictures, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Production Design, 
Cast : Craig Hall Matthew Sunderland Gina Varela Karlos Drinkwater Jessica Grace Smith
Genre : Fantasy Horror Thriller War

Cast List

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Absolutely the worst movie.


Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.

Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful


this film is totally wonderful!Claustrophobic, does what so many horror films never can manage which is to stamp the horrid paradigm of the "twist" under it's enormous jackboot, metaphorically and literally. This is a great, great film, one of so very few that really can't be said to belong to a "genre" of films. It is so so great! Much respect to the chaps and chapesses who made it, a proper film to make you think, an astoundingly brilliant piece of work. you can almost sympathise with the evildoer, which is so good because you come to recognise that he will say anything to get your sympathy

Claudio Carvalho

In 1944, the New Zealander's soldiers Captain Ben Grogan (Craig Hall) and Sergeant Joseph Tane (Karlos Drinkwater) are assigned to explode a German military facility in a occupied Channel Island to create a diversion far from the Normandy on the eve of the D-Day. They hear screams inside the installation that is apparently unprotected and they prepare the explosives. When Grogan overhears a woman scream, he decides to seek her out inside the bunker and the reluctant Joseph follows him. Grogan is captured by Colonel Klaus Meyer (Matthew Sunderland) and Joseph is murdered. Grogan sees mutilated corpses and he escapes from Meyer. When he meets the woman, he finds that she is his deceased wife Helena (Gina Varela), who died in a airborne bombing. Soon Grogan learns that Helena is actually a demon unleashed by Meyer, who is researching the occultism expecting to create the ultimate weapon to win the war. Now Grogan is forced to team-up with Meyer to save his life against evil that is using Helena appearance to seduce him. "The Devil's Rock" is a worthwhile gore B-movie, with a reasonable story and good makeup. The idea of Nazis exploring occultism is not original but this movie is supported basically by three actors and an actress, all of them unknown but with good performances. There are brains, flesh, bones, eyeballs and lots of gore and Gina Varela is a seductive woman. There is one last scene in the credits, with the demon and a German soldier. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "A Rocha do Diabo" ("The Devil's Rock")


It's been a long time since I saw a horror film like this. By that I mean one that has a coherent and well thought out story told through believable dialogue.I've read a few bizarrely negative reviews here. When I say bizarre I mean some of the reasons for giving it low marks.Here are my two favourites:It's not going to make money – This is honestly the first time I've seen a film marked down on cost/benefit analysis.There's only three people in it – Really don't know what to say to that. Maybe Australia would be more up this person's street; I hear there's loads of people in it.Anyway, here are my positives:Well acted.Sets and setting looked great – stark, grotty and bloody. Everything a growing horror film needs.Didn't rely on cheap window rattling and supernatural wind 'Scares'. Made what the Nazi soldiers were doing more believable somehow.Resisted the modern-day urge to crowbar humour into the dialogue.The demon was played by a real person in makeup. Looked great as a result. You just know that a big budget film would have made it a ridiculous CGI creature with wild, over the top magic powers. It's a bit of a beef I have with modern films but I just think that actual people put in much more real and believable performances than computer graphics. And of course they look like they're actually there in the set, because they are.And the negatives:German soldier didn't have a German accent? I know the jury is kind of out on that one. Some people think that context is enough and an accent can be in poor taste or whatever. I sort of agree sometimes because I'm from Belfast and I've heard some really shocking attempts at the accent over the years. Maybe it's because I'm not German but I think I would have liked an accent in this instance.The gunshot wound – Now I know it might seem silly to question the plausibility of something like this in a film about a captive demon on a Nazi held island, but unlike the accent issue this one is all about context. In the context of the film all the occult elements make sense, but the Nazi soldier seemed to get a lot better after the bullet was pulled out. I mean I'm not a doctor but it just appeared that the bullet was the real source of pain and suffering, and not the gaping wound it created.Gina Varela looked fantastic as the demon but I would have liked to see more of her. She was naked and painted red and I think it would have added something to the disturbing nature of such a demon if we had seen more of her very fine body beneath the demon's face. This isn't some sad need to see T & A; I could have just watched some mindless rubbish like the new piranha film for that. I found it really got under my skin that she was still attractive as the demon. Could have made more of that perhaps.Overall:Loved this film. Really good example of what can be achieved in the horror genre by just doing old skool film making well.Unlike others who enjoyed this film I've given it ten out of ten, not because of the disproportionate negative reviews, but because it was just right up my street.

Paul Andrews

The Devil's Rock start on June 5th 1944 on the eve of D-day as two New Zealand soldiers reach the shore of Forau Island about 5 miles from north east of Guernsey, allied forces have been sabotaging German held Channel Islands in order to distract Hitler's attention from the upcoming D-Day invasion. Captain Ben Grogan (Craig Hall) & Sergeant Joe Tane (Karlos Drinkwater) make it to the beach of Farau & head straight for a German bunker in order to knock out it's large gun emplacement's, approaching the bunker the men hear horrible screams but try to concentrate on their mission. After setting several explosives they hear the screams again & Tane insists on investigating but is killed inside the bunker. Grogan is taken prisoner by the sole remaining German officer, Colonel Klaus Meyer (Matthew Sunderland) who has been dabbling in occult rituals in order to harness the power of Satan for Hitler & the German army. The results of his work is chained up in a room & feeds on human flesh...This New Zealand production was co-written, executive produced & directed by former special effects man Paul Campion who apparently re-mortgaged his own house to raise funds to get The Devil's Rock made & while I wasn't expecting that much I did find myself enjoying quite a lot. The script treads the same sort of ground as other horror films such as Shock Waves (1977), The Keep (1983), The Bunker (2001), Deathwatch (2002), Hellboy (2004) & Dead Snow (2009) as it sets it's horror around Nazi's & the war, The Devil's Rock leans towards the supernatural side of things & once again suggests that Hitler wanted to harness magical powers for his own evil ends & the script throw's in a nice reference to Raiders of the Ark (1981) & Hellboy as the fact that Hitler had within his grasp the Ark of the Covenant & tried to reawaken the Great Old One although The Devil's Rock does take itself pretty seriously overall so don't expect any other genre referencing gags like that. At just over 80 minutes The Devil's Rock is a fairly brisk watch, it manages to build tension & suspense quite well & the story draws you in, the relationship between the Kiwi commando & his German counterpart is well handled but I couldn't get the idea out of my head that Grogan should have hated Meyers a lot more than he did after he shot & killed his mate Tane. There's some myth & legend exposition as you would imagine but the film never becomes bogged down in it, I am not quite sure what the red Demon thing is other than it's called a Witch but if it's so powerful I am surprised that a simple chain around her ankle is enough to imprison it.The Devil's Rock looks great which helps a lot, from the authentic bunker setting (although it does look a lot like the Londer underground at times) to the props, costumes & special effects. There's a fair amount of gore here, torn apart bodies, ripped out brains & intestines, lots of blood splatter, a homage to Cannibal Holocaust (1980) in which a dead German soldier is seen with a large rifle sticking out of his mouth in the same position as the girl with the wooden stake through her in Cannibal Holocaust. The make-up effects on the Demon creature are also good, it's maybe a bit red & the front fang like teeth seem a bit big but overall it's an effective monster & looks good. Keep watching once the end credits start, there's a extra little scene which includes a bit more gore as we get to see Meyers decapitated corpse from another angle. The film manages to build tension & suspense quite well, while not every question is answered there's enough story here to keep most watching.Probably filmed on a low budget The Devil's Rock looks great, the production values are strong & it's very well made. Filmed in Wellington in New Zealand, some scenes were shot at Wrights Hill Fortress in Wellington which was real World War II bunker.The Devil's Rock is a really effective supernatural horror film that uses it's World War II backdrop to good effect & doesn't get bogged down in black magic mumbo-jumbo, the whole film is very good actually & is certainly one of the best low budget horror films that I have seen recently. Well worth watching.

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