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Round-Up Time in Texas

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Round-Up Time in Texas

Gene and Frog arrive with a herd of horses for Gene'e brother, a diamond prospector whose work has attracted the interest of a bunch of badguys.

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Release : 1937
Rating : 4.7
Studio : Republic Pictures, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Stunts, 
Cast : Gene Autry Smiley Burnette Maxine Doyle Champion LeRoy Mason
Genre : Action Western

Cast List

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Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!


How sad is this?


When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.


Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.


Gene delivers horses to a diamond mine in, where else, but darkest Africa.The only thing I can figure is that some careless studio secretary got the pages of an Autry western mixed up with a Tarzan script. How else to explain the lunacy of our cowboy heroes meeting up with an "ooga-booga" tribe of witch-doctors in darkest Africa. Somehow, it's weirdly entertaining since you don't know what sort of craziness comes next—gorillas, lions, or flame- throwers. There're a number of good bits even if the premise is wacko— some tuneful songs, the charming Cabin Kids, plus Burnette and Hodgins doing their amusing bits, including a crash-bang finale. I'm just wondering how many ticket-buyers in 1936 left the theater wondering if their maps had gotten Texas all wrong. Oh well, like the movie or not, it sure isn't your typical matinée fare.

John W Chance

This is Gene Autry's most gloriously outrageous juxtaposition of non sequiters since 'The Phantom Empire' (1935)! Even the title is completely out of place! After the first five minutes, horse wranglers Gene and Frog (Smiley Burnette, nicely under control here) are off to Dunbar, South Africa with 50 horses for his brother Tex's diamond mine in "The Valley of Superstition." Then we cut to Gene's brother being ambushed going down a river in 'Africa' by the evil saloon owner's henchmen.Dunbar looks like a typical Western town, and the saloon is filled with nothing but cowboys! The only difference is that the saloon singer, Gwen (Maxine Doyle) warbles an English drinking song. Only Earle Hodgins doing his patented shell game act affects a cockney London accent. (Later, a henchman sings a song about Poland.) Note: we can see more of the cute Maxine in the Bela Lugosi serial 'S.O.S. Coast Guard' (1937) as Ralph Byrd's girlfriend.The saloon owner, Cardigan (Le Roy Mason) plots to kill Gene and Frog as well, since as we find out, he has also stolen the 'diamond mine,' which is actually a river, from which chained slaves carry up buckets of diamonds.After Gene and Frog escape from jail and meet up with Cardigan and Gwen at their jungle camp, they are all captured by wild savages who want to sacrifice them to their Thunder God. Frog saves the day and has them all released when he leads the Chief's children, played by the singing group The Cabin Kids, in a jive and scat rendition of the syncopated song 'Revival Day.' This is the kind of stuff we watch old junk movies for!It's well directed. Gene's and Smiley Burnette's banter is well done; the film's tightly edited and really zips along, even though I've only seen the 54 minute cut version. It speeds by like the feature version of 'The Phantom Empire' (1935), including many different scene changes and fast action. Needless to say, it's well written -- it's a crazy quilt of juxtaposed elements that raise it way above the level of tedious, dreary, formulaic, slow going 1930s Westerns. A bizarre story. Good comic relief this time from Smiley Burnette and a gorilla. Typical 30s musical racial stereotypes. A covered wagon going through the jungle. The obligatory exciting horseback final chase sequence. Great music.The great songs include 'Dinah (Is There Anyone Finer),' and 'Revival Day,' sung by the Cabin Kids; 'Round Up Time in Texas,' sung at the beginning by Gene, Frog, and all the wranglers, and at the end by Gene, Frog, and the Cabin Kids, with Chief Busoto on harmonica; and a short reprise of 'Uncle Noah's Ark' by Gene and Frog, which they perform full length in 'The Phantom Empire.' Is this a Jungle movie? A Western? Who cares!! It's one of the real treats of junk cinema! I give it a 7.


Now of course you would think that a film entitled Round-Up Time In Texas starring Gene Autry would be located in the Lone Star State. Not by a longshot. In this film Gene gets a telegram from his brother Tex Autry who's over in South Africa where he and a partner have made a rich diamond strike. Tex tells Gene to send over 50 head of Texas cow ponies and what he can't use he'll auction off. Hard to believe that in 1937 he would have to send over to Texas for horses, but Gene gets the message and he and Smiley Burnette board a boat from Galveston to Capetown. And then they head to the town of Dunbar where Tex was heard from.Traditional cowboy villain LeRoy Mason maybe operating in South Africa, but he's not lost any nastiness. He and a native gang ambush Tex and his partner and kill the partner and frame Tex. Gene arrives and hears Tex is wanted for murder. Autry's on the hunt now.One of my big pet peeves about films from Hollywood dealing with Africa is that a couple of generations of Americans got their ideas about Africa from films like this. In this film for instance the term "kaffir" is used to describe the native population. Back in 1937 I'll bet those in charge of Republic Pictures from Herbert J. Yates on down had no idea that that word was a term of disparagement as bad as the "n" word in America. They should have known better, but few in America knew anything about Africa.The natives in the film behave like a combination of stereotyped blacks in American located films and American Indians in those same films. Looks ridiculous. You will also not hear one person sound like they come from South Africa. The closest you get is American western character actor Earl Hodgins who talks like a London cockney. The voortrekkers in South Africa used covered wagons like our American Conestogas and I suppose a saloon is a saloon anywhere on planet earth. So maybe knowing this, Yates felt secure in making a South African locale picture for his number cowboy star.I did learn one thing though from Round Up Time in Texas. I learned the origin of the song When the Bloom is on the Sage which Gene Autry sings and includes the title of the film. I had Bing Crosby's record of it and it's a nice western ballad. Gene does well by it too.If this god awful film ever made it to Johannesburg, Capetown, or Pretoria they must have been rolling in the aisles with laughter at the dumb American's idea of their country.


contrary to another comment that they must have used a set built for a jungle film---it was actually the Republic Studios back lot western set that was used for this film. as well as the back lot jungle area already there at the time. The western set was used as a number of other locations over the year also. The Spanish arches seen in the film were at the Mexican village part of the set and used over the years as a fort, a North African village, etc; all they do is shoot from different camera angles and place the appropriate foliage and decorations here and there, and voilà!!! They can be anywhere. the western street was strange in the movie as South Africa, it having been used numerous times in movies and TV westerns. The republic studios back lot was part of the CBS Studio Center beginning in the mid 60's or so and even Gunsmoke used that set a number of times.

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