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After being driven to extinction, great bloodthirsty dinosaurs come back to life with the assistance of a demented genetic scientist. She plans to replace the human race with a super-race of dinosaurs who will not pollute the planet.

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Release : 1993
Rating : 3.6
Studio : New Horizons Picture, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Set Decoration, 
Cast : Diane Ladd Raphael Sbarge Jennifer Runyon Harrison Page Ned Bellamy
Genre : Horror Science Fiction

Cast List

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Wonderful character development!


Excellent but underrated film


Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.

Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.


I was pretty excited when I found Carnosaur on VHS at the local outlet.I don't know what I was expecting.I don't think I was expecting anything GREAT but I wasn't expecting anything bad either.It was more bad than anything.I read on IMDb that there's a part 2 & 3.After watching this movie I can't believe they made a sequel & even more amazing, a third.I LOVE bad movies so if I had a chance I'd watch them though.If I didn't, I know I wouldn't watch them at all.I read a few reviews saying Carnosaur is just a Jurassic Park rip off since they both came out at the same time but I say who knows? who cares? I HATED Jurassic Park & Carnosaur wasn't all that great either but if I had to choose between the 2, I'd have to go with Carnosaur.At least Carnosaur was entertaining enough to keep me awake.When Jurassic Park 1st came out, I fell asleep in the theater.The thing that surprised me the most was the ending.It was pretty shocking & came out of nowhere.Maybe I have to give Carnosaur another shot 1 of these days to appreciate it but it won't be anytime soon


This cheap cash-in on JURASSIC PARK is, I have to say, absolutely atrocious in every way. Dispensing with an original plot, this plays more like a generic monster movie, with lots of people getting eaten and a sinister government conspiracy acting as the catalyst for all the evil. The only way to actually enjoy this movie is to laugh at it, just like I did. Take it seriously and you'll be in for a rough time. A cast of nobodies and a couple of B-movie old-timers are picked off one by one by some vicious raptor-like dinosaur. The explanation for all this is some kind of silly, confused rubbish, about genetically modifying chickens or something.Throughout this film we see women giving birth to dinosaur eggs...Excuse me while credibility flies out of the window. Towards the end of the film the chief scientist gets to talk for 20 WHOLE MINUTES about why she's doing what she is, and it gets boring very quickly. I can't emphasise how totally dumb and mindless this film is. The leads act in stupid ways, people hang around and wait to be killed, and nobody has a very plausible death scene - instead, they all sit or stand around waiting for the dinosaurs to show up and munch on them. Some silly dialogue ("it carved him up like a Christmas turkey!") and some really annoying subtitles also help to spoil things.The male lead, played by some non-entity going by the name of Raphael Sbarge, is totally wooden and far too young to have any authority. Diane Ladd, who plays the misguided scientist, is usually far too superior to appear in rubbish like this and looks mightily out of place. Clint Howard is wasted in a tiny role which fails to make use of his creepy talents, while only Harrison Page (A.W.O.L.) lends any credibility to the proceedings as the old-time sheriff. The best part of this film has to be the unexpected, out-of-nowhere ending which had me in stitches. Oh, and the excessive violence.The producers obviously saw fit to add in as much unpleasant, comic book gore as they possibly could here, and the results are splashed (often vividly) across the screen. Countless non-actors and actresses are eaten by the dinosaurs, having their chests and stomachs torn open. Faces and legs are also chewed off. Other hapless souls lose their hands and arms to the monsters.Don't watch this movie expecting any fun special effects. The dinosaurs are extremely poorly animated, some of the worst I have ever seen in fact. Forget CGI, forget stop-motion, even forget the men in rubber suits; these clunky models beat everything in terms of sheer nerve and hopelessness when it comes down to the special effects. When standing still, they look fine, but as soon as they move, the film loses it. Sometimes they're obviously being carried along just off camera. This is bad enough, but then a giant T-Rex goes on the rampage and things get worse. I'm speechless as to how poor these effects were - they have to be seen for yourself. Things made more sense as the credits rolled and I saw that half of the actors were also crew members, and it all begins to fall into place when you see that Roger Corman's production company were responsible for this outrage. It only gets an extra star for the bloody violence. This is bad, bad, bad, so please don't bother watching it!


Reading about Carnosaur, I was expecting a terribly cheap movie and for it to be blatantly derivative of the Steven Spielberg classic Jurassic Park. While far from a good movie, and certainly nowhere near as fun, thrilling or intense as Jurassic Park, I was expecting far worse than what I saw. Diane Ladd relishes her mad scientist, and this is one totally bonkers mad scientist, and the baby carnosaur is genuinely scary. Carnosaur is also gorier and bloodier than JP, and the gore is actually quite good and has moments where it is used inventively to the extent that you may be put off eating for some time after. Carnosaur is a very cheap-looking movie though, the sets lack colour and the camera work and editing lack finesse and cohesion. But I agree about the special effects and the animatronics on the dinosaurs faring worst in this regard, they are truly dreadful and definitely some of the worst dinosaur effects I've seen for any movie in my life. The score is not particularly rousing and has nothing that leaps out as memorable. It doesn't distract from what's going on as such but it just doesn't add anything either, it's just there and fails to make much of an impact. The script doesn't work either, nor does the story. The dialogue is stodgy, cheesy and overly-talky, while the story- not doing much with a decent if rather silly concept- apart from some inventive gory scenes is stripped of suspense, scenes that should scare can be unintentionally funny instead, the romantic plot line is mawkish and slows things down in the middle and the prehistoric rampage antics do get predictable quickly. The characters read of every cliché the writers could find and are poorly developed, no scratch that, the movie certainly knows what it tries to be which is good but while it does strive for some fun and scares(though not really succeeding) the characters are almost completely forgotten in the process. Of the acting only Ladd makes any kind of impression, the rest just sleepwalk through their roles and don't seem to care less about their characters' situations. Overall, could have been worse, especially considering what I'd read, but not a good movie. I recommend it partially for those who want a bit of silly fun without having to think too much, but for those who does know what to expect but still want to see some kind of quality put into it they may want to look elsewhere. 4/10 Bethany Cox


Funny, sick, ridiculously violent, low-budget and of course... crappy film! First of all, I saw "Carnosaur 2" (1995), and I was very surprised how funny films can be sometimes. But, this one, Carnosaur 1993, is just strange. It is a story about genetic design of dinosaurs, one little raptor, and later a T-Rex (that squeals like crazy), the special effects are freaking funny and dinosaur puppets, toys, whatever they used in the film were just... silly. How the hell did Diane Ladd appear in this film? For other actors, I get it, but for her... oh well... If you are eager to watch some blood-spilling, maximum gore,low budget crap, this is a real deal!

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