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A respected doctor becomes the prime suspect in a series of gruesome murders.

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Release : 1972
Rating : 5.4
Studio : G.R.P. Cinematografica, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Mickey Hargitay Rita Calderoni Tano Cimarosa Christa Barrymore Marcello Bonini Olas
Genre : Horror Thriller Mystery

Cast List

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Very best movie i ever watch


I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.


This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.


The movie really just wants to entertain people.


Though I had long toyed with the idea of acquiring this one on DVD (the recent Blue Underground re-issue being particularly cheap) – not least because it contained two different versions of the film – I was always dissuaded by the extremely mixed reaction it seemed to elicit from viewers. Now that I've watched it too, I can better understand this reasoning – indeed, I feel much the same myself. If anything, one has to admit the fact that rarely was a giallo better served by its lurid title: the last half-hour of this one is truly demented, folks! Besides, it has the guts to give away the identity of the serial killer from the outset: as played by Mickey Hargitay, actually, he's not that much of a stretch from his trademark role of The Crimson Executioner in BLOODY PIT OF HORROR (1965) – which I also only recently watched for the first time.So far, so good: for the first 75 minutes or so, we get a number of more or less traditional slayings and their ensuing police investigation (the latter are aided by psychiatrist Hargitay himself – playing a character hilariously named Lyutack!). However, at least, one eye-witness is able to connect the star to the first murder…and, here, comes the catch: Hargitay's wife (luscious Rita Calderoni) is so blindly devoted to her hubby – despite his being a self-confessed "mad impotent"! – that, to draw the cops' suspicion away from him, she notches up a trio of victims for herself while he's in their company!! Having said that, the director throws in a lame red herring by placing a slick little car-park attendant (played by Tano Cimarosa and who has a tendency to break into English slang – his role actually grows in stature as the film goes along) at the time and place of at least one of these additional murders. Here, then, lies the film's major fault: while it's certainly unusual, thus interesting, Polselli's treatment can perhaps best be described as hypnotically inept – anyone familiar with Jess Franco's more idiosyncratic output from the 1970s will know what I mean! However, nothing that had occurred until now (not even Calderoni's occasional nightmares of lesbian orgies in a dungeon, witnessed by an aroused but chained-up Hargitay!) could have prepared me for the denouement…which is so thoroughly off-the-wall that it's rather hard doing it justice by way of mere description – it's truly a climax that has to be seen to be believed! Much of this has to do with the utterly unhinged ravings of both Calderoni and Christa Barrymore (her character only really comes into play during this latter section: she's Hargitay's niece who, however, harbors an unhealthy affection for Auntie!). Calderoni goes off her rocker first, because she had earlier tortured and attempted to gas the maid who got wise to her murderous habits (of which even Hargitay is unaware)…but the scene was witnessed by Cimarosa (having suspected Hargitay all along, he breaks into the doctor's home to search for possible clues), who saved her at the last minute and the maid has now confessed everything to the Police. Incidentally, the latter are a mostly ineffectual bunch: at one point, they even cause a female collaborator of theirs (she's actually used as bait to lure the supposed killer into the open, Hargitay claiming to have arrived at the exact place and time of 'his' next strike by way of extensive metereopsychic[?!] research) – who, having found evidence that could incriminate Hargitay, unwisely decides to confide in Calderoni first – to drop from the eight floor of a building!! Anyway, Calderoni is terrorized of being caught (somewhat sadistically, Barrymore plays a recording of an angry mob which Calderoni believes are at their front door – this is another element which is thrown in without any rhyme or reason, just like the subplot involving Hargitay's trysts with a female student that prolong the film for no discernible reason). When Hargitay and then the Police appear on the scene, the doctor is willing to give himself up (he's clearly lost his marbles, too, screaming repeatedly at his own reflection in a mirror and at the top of his lungs, "You're a hyena!") …but it's Barrymore's turn to go nuts and summarily beats Hargitay to a pulp with a ball and chain for having turned her beloved aunt into a murderess! Eventually, the Police are shown the way in by Cimarosa – where they're greeted by a ghastly sight, as all three persons inside are dead: Barrymore having also strangled Calderoni but who, before perishing, had managed to drive a rake into the former's neck! Interestingly, composer Gianfranco Reverberi is given a prominent place in the credits – soon after the two leads i.e. before even the supporting cast!; that said, his contribution is significant and versatile (alternating between sleazy lounge and percussion-heavy rock). Equally odd is the fact that the picture concludes with a montage of some of its highlights – with the emphasis, unsurprisingly, on those bits involving sex and violence! For the record, I'd be interested in checking out the alternate and much shorter U.S. version (which inserts new characters and even makes Hargitay a shell-shocked Vietnam vet – a plot point which, apparently, the star came up with himself!) but not enough perhaps to buy a copy of the DVD. In the meantime, I'll be following this with Polselli's even more outrageous and nonsensical THE REINCARNATION OF ISABEL (1973) – in which virtually the entire cast and crew of DELIRIUM return for a second helping


Some Giallo's try to tell a serious story, while others are happy to revel in the sleaziness of their absurd plot lines. Renato Polselli's attempt at the genre may not be very strong in the story department, but this is made up for with an onslaught of nudity and sexual violence and if you like your Giallo's to be wayward; Delirium is an absolute dream film! The film exists in two versions; an American cut, and an uncut European version, the latter of which was, of course, the one that I saw. I've not seen the American cut as I have it on good authority that it's the inferior version, and I can certainly believe that as the European market has always been more accepting of sleaze and nudity, and I imagine that most of it was cut for the stateside release. The plot is one of the most convoluted I've ever seen, and follows a police psychiatrist that murders young women in the most brutal ways possible. His wife takes pity on him upon discovering his secret, and naturally, the police enlist his help to solve the case; but when the murders continue, the psychiatrist isn't sure that he's still the one responsible.Director Renato Polselli had a low budget to work with on this film, but he masks this brilliantly with an array of stark and contrasting colours, which give the film it's arty credentials, and provide some truly stunning imagery for the viewer - case in point; the sequence that sees a young woman strangled in a bathtub full of bold blue water! Mickey Hargitay gives a strong lead performance and always convinces as the psychopathic doctor. He is joined by Polselli regular Rita Calderoni, who looks hot in the role of his wife. The plot is complicated, and the director doesn't always seem keen to provide the viewer with a story, as the focus is always on the brutal murders and scenes of sexual torture, which can mean that it gets a little dry at times. But it all comes good by the end, as despite the fact that we know who the killer is from the beginning; Polselli still manages to pull a couple of surprises out the bag! The ending takes in all the main characters, and I won't hesitate to say that the final fifteen minutes are as good as Giallo gets. Overall, Delirium comes highly recommended to Giallo fans as there's nothing else quite like it!


As I've written any number of times, one of the things I enjoy most about Italian films is their convoluted plots. I've rarely run across a Giallo that I have difficulty making sense out of after it's over. But I've met my match with Delirium. It's a movie that I'm definitely going to have to watch again to fully comprehend what's going on.From what I did get out of the movie, Delirium is the story of a police psychologist investigating a string of murder that he himself may be responsible for. A number of young girls are killed in a variety of explicit and shocking ways. The doctor's wife appears to understand her husband's madness, but is so in love with him that she actively protects him. But can she also protect herself either from her husband or from going mad? (At least this is what I think the film is about.)Those interested in a variety of explicit and imaginative kills should find something to enjoy in Delirium. My "favorite" may be the first when the girl is stripped and killed in the river. As he proved in Bloody Pit of Horror, Mickey Hargitay could play a completely insane, over-the-top killer with the best of them. He may not have been the greatest actor in the world, but I certainly appreciate the passion and energy he brought to his films. If you're more into the sex aspects of Gialli, there's plenty of that found in Delirium. The most obvious example is the dream sequence where Hargitay is chained by his neck and forced to watch his wife, his niece, and his maid engage in a sexual romp. But, if you watch Gialli for the mystery aspects and to try to figure out "who done it", as I've indicated, Delirium may not be the best Giallo for you.


OK, what the hell was that? This story of a killer who kills out of impotence is way too disjointed to be comprehensible, way too tedious to be enjoyable, and way too asinine to be watchable. When a film has tons of nudity and perverseness AND you still find yourself drifting to sleep!! Well that my friends is a huge telling sign to do something better with your time. May I suggest watching paint dry? Avoid the American version that's shorter & turns it into a story about an insane Vietnam vet. Avoid the international version and i have no clue about the French version as I haven't seen it, but that probably sucks as well.Anchor Bay DVD Extras: Both American & Iternational versions; and a short documentary My Grade: F

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