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Mac and Me

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Mac and Me

A Mysterious Alien Creature (MAC) escaping from nefarious NASA agents, is befriended by a young boy in a wheelchair. Together, they try to find MAC's family from whom he has been separated.

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Release : 1988
Rating : 3.4
Studio : Orion Pictures,  Mac and Me Joint Venture, 
Crew : Production Design,  Set Decoration, 
Cast : Jade Calegory Christine Ebersole Jonathan Ward Tina Caspary Vinnie Torrente
Genre : Adventure Fantasy Science Fiction Family

Cast List

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So much average


Absolutely Brilliant!


It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.


It's been almost 30 years ago since Mac And Me was released, and to this day it still seems to be a laughingstock of cinema history. I feel as if this was the battered child of film as we know it, constantly getting dubbed as an "ET knock off". So I rise today to tell you, despite the critics bashing this movie around for years, and many other users jumping on the band wagon along with the haters...this was actually quite a good family movie for all ages. First of all, let's clear the air with this movie being compared to ET. It's nothing like ET. If Mac And Me was interested in cashing on the whole "ET" cash grab, they would have done it right around the time when that was released. That's not the case. ET was released in 1982, Mac And Me was released in 1988. And what exactly was the comparison between these two movies that people thought that Mac And Me was trying to be an ET rip off, anyways? ET had a lot of scary elements to it, including the night time scenes. Mac And Me is almost entirely shot during the day, giving it a more light, friendly feeling to it all. Not to mention the fact that the aliens don't look anything alike. ET, in my opinion, is an over rated film anyway, I didn't think it was worthy of all the attention ( not to mention the money) that it got when it was released. Love it or hate it, it earned it's respect, and Mac And Me did not. So unfortunate. ET was even laced with quite a bit profanity, and Mac And Me had absolutely NONE! Another point I would like to talk about, is that Mac And Me is virtually violence free, whereas ET had it's moments ( the cutting of the finger on the saw blade alone in ET, and blood dripping down? Yikes!) So is it fair to really compare the two together, when it's obvious they are not. People like looking in smoking mirrors, I suppose. Second of all, I don't like all the razzies this movie was awarded. Worst director? If you haven't seen all the films released in 1988, then you cannot possibly tell me Stewert as the worst director. Worst movie of 1988? No. Apparently they have never seen or heard of Rabid Grannies or Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, so I can't think of why this would be the worst movie of 1988 ( don't torque with me, I'm good with the years!) I really look forward to the remake of this movie in 2018~the sypnosis for this? Geez, even IMDb hates Mac and Me!


"Mac and Me" was one of the more infamous box office duds of its time. While this would dissuade normal folks from watching it, bad movie buffs like me naturally gravitate to it because it is such a legendary flop. The biggest reason it failed--the public quickly saw it for what it really was--a blatant rip-off of "E.T.". And, this time even MORE corporate references are thrown in the viewer's face...with McDonald's and Coke references galore!! Instead of Reese's Pieces, they feed this god-awful corporate shill Skittles! And, to revive Mac's family who are on the edge of death, they feed them Coke!!!The film begins with an incredibly ugly family of aliens mysteriously getting sucked into a US space probe. They are then deposited on Earth and their baby, Mac, is lost and must find its way home. In the process it meets a nice disabled kid and makes his life complete. But, when it's no longer safe, he and Elliot, I mean Eric, go on a cross- country race to find his parents and get him home--and evade capture. And to do this, they dress him up in a Halloween-type costume! Need I continue?!So is the film any good? Well, if "ET" had never been made, sure it would have been reasonably entertaining to very young kids who didn't notice that the film was a giant commercial and who wouldn't notice the bad dialog and abounding clichés. But "ET" HAD BEEN ALREADY MADE several years the film has zip when it comes to originality. You wonder how the folks associated with the film felt--they must have been really embarrassed at how blatant this was. And, at just about every turn it seems to do it worse than "ET"...and often MUCH worse. It's a vacuous, soul-sucking corporate mess of a film in so many ways.When I saw this film tonight, it was decades after its original release and I was startled how ugly and expressionless Mac was. However, I had to remind myself that ET also looks pretty crappy when you see him today because we are used to much better special effects in 2015--though Mac is definitely crappier. The worst is when the dead, expressionless doll is riding on Eric's lap during the big chase! As for the outer space scene, however, I watched it on a very big screen TV and I was surprised because it looked so nice. This space scene along with actually hiring a disabled kid to play a disabled kid are about the only things that impressed me about the film. Otherwise, a pointless rip-off from start to finish---and not even bad enough to make bad movie buffs laugh. But enough overt corporate references to make this a GREAT film to use as a drinking game--taking a shot every time you saw these blatant ads! Believe me, you would get stinking drunk if you tried this!!By the way, the kid calls the hideous little alien 'Mac'--an acronym for Mysterious Alien Creature. In no way was this meant to be like 'ET' for the Extra-Terrestrial....yeah, right! Also, perhaps it's just me, but this might just be the most whitebread, corporate and uncool film ever made--especially during the god-awful McDonald's dance scene.


I invite you now to share in my pain as I relive "Mac and Me: The Longest and Worst Skittles/Coke/McDonald's Commercial Ever Made", also known as, "E.T.: The Cheap Knock-off Version".Our crappy film opens on an alien planet as a family of poorly-designed alien creatures use straws to drink carbonated soft drinks from the soil of their planet (more on that later). The arrival of an American space rover prompts the curious alien family (mom, dad and baby) to investigate, whistling and over-acting demonstrably until they are vacuumed into the ship and carried back to earth. Upon arriving on earth, the baby - Mac - is quickly separated from his creepy family and, after a madcap chase, lands in the back seat of a van carrying our story's hero, Eric, and his family.Eric is a teenage boy in a wheelchair. It is never made clear what is wrong with Eric's legs, but it is likely that his growth was stunted by his exclusive diet of Skittles, McDonald's and Coca-Cola. Before I get negative, I must give credit where it's due: The filmmakers were extremely diligent in making sure all Skittles and Coke products were clearly facing the camera at all times.Quick back story: Eric, his mother and his older brother (Michael, just like in E.T. - they didn't even bother to come up with a different name. How about Jeff? Ronnie? Come on, that's just lazy. I swear I have spent more time writing this review than the screenwriters spent on this script) have just moved from Ohio into Elliot's E.T. neighborhood in California because Eric's mom took a job at Sears. A history lesson for the youngsters: back in the 80's a lot of people moved their families across the country to take minimum wage jobs at department stores (citation: Grapes of Wrath). They moved because Eric's dad died or something. (And I'm not making this up: At one point Eric looks somberly at a picture of his dad, and NOT ONLY does his dad straight-up look like The Most Interesting Man in the World, there's a Dos Equis umbrella in the background of the picture. Best part of the movie, hands down.)With that, let me pause to address the reason we're all here today: The scene in which Eric rolls off a steep cliff into a pond in the family's backyard. In context, Eric is searching for Mac, then Mac saves him after he plummets off the 50-foot cliff. What you haven't seen is the following scene in which Eric's mom and the doctor both assume he was trying to commit suicide and the doctor hands Eric a bottle of anti- depressants. For real.Anyway, Eric and his next-door neighbor (and token Drew Barrymore Stand- In) Debbie discover Mac and use Skittles and Coke to befriend him, then bring Michael in on the secret as they try to find a way to get Mac back to his family while evading NASA. Every time Mac gets hurt or knocked unconscious, the children scramble to get him a Coke because as Debbie says, "That must be what they drink on his planet!"About an 75 minutes into the movie, our heroes go to a McDonald's for a birthday party which morphs into an all-out dance competition (as was common in the 80's). Dozens of dance crews clog the parking lot, popping and locking all over the place. One crew is dressed like the San Francisco 49ers. The children have disguised their alien friend by putting him inside a teddy bear's skin and he gets in on the action by dancing Pee Wee Herman-style on the McDonald's counter. It is terrible and amazing.Having reached the point in the movie where it's time to recreate the chase scene from E.T., NASA thugs show up and McDonald's and chase Eric and Mac through the streets. And while Eric is on wheels, rolling full- speed down steep hills and skitching onto the back of speeding trucks, the NASA guys somehow manage to keep up on foot. I swear they run five miles at speeds upward of 50 miles an hour. They get to Sears, meet up with Michael and the family van and finally head into the desert to reunite with Mac's family. Debbie shamelessly drops another candy commercial, "Here, see if Mac likes these Skittles." *Passes the Skittles across the van, very slowly in front of the camera* Big shock, Mac likes Skittles. Already knew that. Sloppy writing. Anyway, the kids find the dessicated ruin of Mac's family near an abandoned mine shaft and revive them with jugs of cool water. Ha! Just kidding, they use Coke products. After dark, the kids' and aliens' luck finally runs out when the authorities catch up with them at a supermarket. In the ensuing mêlée, a fire is started and Eric is blown up and killed in an explosion. The alien family emerges from the fire and engage in a singsongy ritual that brings Eric back from the dead. It is unclear why they didn't give him a can of Coke. Missed opportunity.Our movie closes with a joyous courthouse scene as our alien friends are sworn in as US citizens. The dad alien never stops moving. He's constantly undulating like some kind of low-rent community theater mime. I wrote in my notes, "It freaks me out and I hate it." That goes for the whole movie.

Azlan Lewis

25 years ago this was a bad movie then and still is now.First of all this movie had 4 major sponsors. McDonalds, Sears, Coca- Cola and Volkswagen and you know this right away.The reason and only reason to watch this is if this the only thing on late night TV and you have no other options to available.Right away you have to suspend your beliefs in reality. It starts out on a planet near Earth. So close in fact that it only takes seconds to get from the near by planet to Earth. Also you have to assume on this unnamed near by planet that it has life forms that obviously have bones in their bodies and range from 2 1/2 feet tall to almost 7 feet tall can be sucked up by a 10 inch diameter vacuum and survive space travel in something 1/2 the size of a Mini Cooper.This movie has bad special effects, yes this movie was made in 1988 but we had ALL the Star Wars movies (1977 to 1983), Flight of the Navigator, Tron, Muppet Movies just to name a few that had better effects than this movie. Smallest alien ranges from a about 2 feet tall to over 3 feet tall (this is especially noticeable when the boy in the wheel chair carries Mac (the smallest alien), Mac gets into the vehicle to go to McDonalds, and when Mac dances (badly) on the McDonalds counter). You are supposed to also believe that drinking Coke is the only thing that gives the/these Alien(s) energy.It's very obvious that all the money for this movie mainly went to make 4 alien suits/puppets and they used Uncle Bob's Quick Build Creature Shop.The boy in the wheel chair and his older brother live with their widowed mother and they moved to California for a new job their mother got at Sears (one of the 4 sponsors). Their mother some how first blames the boys for destroying the house, especially the boy in the wheel chair. This makes no sense, It is obvious from where the drill and circular saw are used in places too high for him to handle in a wheel chair. Then when the house "Magically" get put back to normal she thanks the boys. I don't know if the scenes were filmed showing the Mac putting things back or not and it got cut but from how cheap they made this movie I am sure it was never filmed.Early in the movie you know McDonalds is a major part of this movie. The boys meet their new neighbors a set of girls that are about the same age as the boys. They immediately invite the boy in the wheel chair to a birthday party at McDonalds, where the older girl just happens to work at. Within two days, boy in w.c., his brother and youngest girl meet the smallest alien. When it's time to go to the birthday party the girl's mother picks up the boy in w.c. at his home. Though the mother questions the girl as to why he has a teddy bear, she doesn't seem to care when the large teddy bear crawls into the back of the car and is alive.There are a few good things but this doesn't really make it a good movie. Script and acting is good but that doesn't help.You also see a lot of mistakes. Puppet strings, effects, changes in smallest alien size, though a major sponsor to the movie McDonalds cups are not used when at the McDonalds restaurant, that there is always people at McDonalds that are trained dancers and just break out and dance all of a sudden, That three 20 something football players hang out at McDonalds in uniform and also know how to dance. Early in the movie you see vehicles crashing, this is where "Mac" the smallest alien gets into the boy in w.c.'s van. The vehicles in the crash a light gray/dark gray Mercury Cougar and a Cream and brown GM Truck are in this crash are later seen in a car chase later on in the movie. Really this movie should be destroyed.

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