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Doodslag (Dutch for "Manslaughter") is the story of Max, a paramedic who is repeatedly hindered in performing his duties by loutish behaviour. As his ambulance hurries towards a complicated childbirth, some youths prevent Max from reaching the distressed woman in labour. Spurred on by the emergency and the incendiary words of a TV pundit, he reaches a boiling point and forcefully hits one of the men obstructing his ambulance. Max's strike has far-reaching, unintended consequences.

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Release : 2012
Rating : 6.7
Studio : Pupkin,  Nederlands Fonds voor de Film,  CoBo Fonds, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Production Design, 
Cast : Theo Maassen Gijs Scholten van Aschat Maryam Hassouni Najib Amhali Janni Goslinga
Genre : Drama Thriller

Cast List

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To me, this movie is perfection.


Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.


Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

Nayan Gough

A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.


Regardless the mediocre acting and cinematography, my prime concern about this movie is the way it portrays the current happenings in the Dutch society, in the hopes of inciting more debate about topics that are already heavily discussed.I cringed at the scene where Max (an ambulance driver), under pressure of feeling to have to act out against the (unfortunately all too customary) hindrance of and violence against public service personnel, lashed out against a bystander who tried to calm his friend and Max down during a verbal quarrel that resulted because of a group of youth purposely obstructing the ambulance from reaching a woman in labour. This is ridiculous and a perfect example of how politically laden this movie is. There is one particular group of people, with a certain ethnicity that is particularly notorious for the aforementioned obstructive behaviour with regards to public services (and has come under fire for this) and what this film is trying to make clear here is that we should refrain from thinking in black and white (which I agree with), but this entire situation does not reflect reality, at all. There can be no debate about this: Max deserves to be trialled for manslaughter – he used violence, regardless his motives, against someone who was actually trying to calm things down. This is however, completely unrealistic! I know this from experience and from people who have had jobs at public services. It would've been different, if the people who obstructed the ambulance had attacked Max first, and then Max would have been on trial for manslaughter (and sentenced, which unfortunately happens a lot, as well), which would have made more sense, would have actually reflected reality and relates directly to the debate about how and to what extent people should be able to defend themselves.This film screams: "you Dutch people are xenophobic and racist and should stop judging people from certain ethnicities". Another horrible example of this is the remark of one of the bystanders, in another instance during which the ambulance personnel is hindered, at Max' co- driver (who happens to be Muslim, but is as Dutch as can be) that "Mecca is that way.". I am ashamed of this atrocity of leftist propaganda that sketches a twisted image of what is happening in the poorer, urban parts of our country (namely the continuous harassment of citizens by people of a certain ethnicity and their continuous perpetration of criminal offenses) for the people who live their lives happily in their ivory towers of the middle and upper class.In Dutch: deze film slaat de plank volledig mis.


Very intelligent movie with the art film moments. Excellent acting, very good European camera school, good editing. Can't find anything bad about it. Casting was superb and actor who plays Max was just made for this role. Great drama and hard social question about the world we live in with the pretty critical answer suggested. Moral dilemmas in the world without moral are turning against our hero. Then, heroism is relative and changeable in time but money stays the main master. Power of mass control presented by the character of an evil showman looks exactly as the world we live in controlled and operated by mass media. It twists and turns the public opinion when needed and by that controls the moral values by its material needs and not by the need for true. What happens to an honest man as Max in such world is getting lost and then losing himself. Very intelligent portrait of the modern world moral values versus a good man. And one more thing: the movie is definitely not a thriller.


The word doodslag means manslaughter in Dutch, and it begins with an ambulance responding to a stab victim, and after calming him down and telling him that he will be fine, but as they drive to a hospital, he flatlines. They stop and attempt cpr, but he dies. Max blames himself for the man's death for underestimating the seriousness of the injury.He gets a new partner, Amina, a Moroccan woman, and their first call is for a bad drug reaction at a nightclub where a nasty, racist comic is performing. As they revive the girl the host insults them both, including anti Muslim remarks aimed at Amina. They leave and when watching television, see that they were being taped at the club. The next emergency is for a woman with a difficult childbirth. On route, the two are stopped by Moroccan youth, demanding that they help one of their friends with a head injury. Amina bandages it and tells them that the kid will be fine, but they insist that he be taken to the hospital. Max explains the need to leave quickly for the pregnant woman's emergency. As they argue and one of the boys yells at them, Max punches him in the face, he hits his head on the curb and dies. Max and Amina manage to save the mother and baby but the police arrive and arrest Max. He serves one year in jail for manslaughter and can't get a job when he is released from prison. The vicious comedian who insulted him earlier in the nightclub hires him as a driver and has him join the act onstage, where he manipulates the crowd, depending on Max's responses to questions about the night of the trouble. Max apologizes to the family of the boy he killed, but the harassment continues, including Max's girlfriends house being burned down. He is assaulted and responds by getting a gun for intimidation. He confronts the comic he drives around and the movie just fizzles out at the end. The story and editing are haphazard, with very poor structure, so at best it is a 5/10.


It's hard to write a review about such a relevant movie. "Why?" is the question that will enter your mind probably. Well, when you write a review about a relevant movie with themes so important in this time, you want to make sure you don't criticize the theme's but the movie.Theo Maassen, whom is most of all one of the best comedian's the Lower lands has, plays this movie with finesse and touching realness. This is a hard movie. Not only does it depict reality very accurately. this reality is a reality without solutions, it's a reality with hard decisions, choices and dilemmas. Theo Maassen fits perfectly in this harsh dark world. No one else, and i really mean no one else could 've played this role better. no American, no Johnny Depp, No Elijah Wood, no dutch, nor American actor which i know. Now, you might have detected i'm a big fan of Theo Maassen. True. it might not be objective at all. But his acting is so fine, so detailed and filled with doubt I don't believe any other actor could do this. Mainly because Maassen plays this like a person, like a really human being, overwhelmed with reality. Besides the wonderful acting of Maassen, also Gijs van Scholten Aschat plays his role as a comedian (a role which Theo plays in real life) to the point. Almost like it's real. It's a Dutch movie, you can see that. Now don't get me wrong, i'm not a superb film critic, i haven't seen "all" dutch movies nor a lot non American/British but this movie really has a dutch taste. The grimness, the hard themes it depicts and the uneasiness that crawls up under your chair are astonishing. The image is raw. The acting is raw. The story is raw. The decisions made in this movie are raw. So far for style, it deserves a fat 10.Now about this themes. As we know from American movies they can really solve problems right? This movie doesn't solve. It poses questions. Now for that fact it could 've still been some art like fancy documentary. The good thing about this movie is that it doesn't just pose questions it asks questions which have no answer. These questions are a logical event of occurrences and don't ask for an "opinion" they just are. The way the characters deal with them are completely understandable but not predictable. Not at all. No spoilers. The themes are very relevant for our society. The questions are important not for people who work in hospitals or drive ambulances. On one hand it reminds us that all our media, and the ones that use it, should watch their mouth. It reminds us that saying "act normal" is easier said than done. It reminds our street kids to watch out who you bother and our "normal people" that sticky situations are easily created and hard to solve. I actually wanted to write that this is not a movie for "normal people" but that's not what this is about. This is a movie without compromising, a movie without understandable questions, without happy ending, without answers, without solutions, without a shine on reality. Definitely a European movie. Definitely not for the ones who like easygoing happy endings. Ex-Drummer is the only movie i can compare this one with. but this one has a political tone. Starting with the first shot we get: a Quote from our prime minister saying "We need to win our society back from the bad guys". Well, after the first few minutes you already understand that this is not as easy as it sounds. Who are these bad guys? Bad guys apparently all have reasons to be one. These reasons are created by situations. This is a movie showing how bad guys are created. Unintentionally.This is probably one of the best Dutch movies I've ever seen. If you cant' see it in cinemas, buy it. If you can't? Download it. it's to important to not see. Check it out!

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