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The Ghost

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The Ghost

Min Ji-Won suffers from amnesia caused by an accident almost a year ago. After the accident, Min Ji-Won is a shy person. Prior to the accident, Min Ji-Won was the leader of a gang of four girl bullies. Through pictures, Min Ji-Won learns about the three other members and she wants to learn what happened to them. While Min Ji-Won attempts to unravel the mystery, her former friends are killed one by one.

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Release : 2004
Rating : 6
Studio : Popcorn Film,  IM Pictures, 
Crew : Production Design,  Assistant Director, 
Cast : Kim Ha-neul Ryu Jin Nam Sang-mi Jeon Hye-bin Shin Yi
Genre : Horror Thriller

Cast List

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I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.


This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.


After surviving a tragic accident, a college student stricken with amnesia must solve a series of clues about her past that revolve around her and her friend's treatment of a classmate that has now come back from the grave to extract her revenge which is slowly taking out those original perpetrators.This was an extremely entertaining entry that had plenty to enjoy about it. One of the best parts is the fact that there are so many supernatural encounters that the film is seemingly built around them. It starts off with a bang as the girls playing with an Ouija board is the usually-creepy game and is mixed nicely with the cutaways to the restless sleep which is a perfect suspense-builder which then segues beautifully into the twist and the final kitchen attack which is a stellar show-stopping moment. A similar scene in a darkroom is almost as good, with the picture-scare serving nicely to start the proceedings, the suddenly-blackened room lit only with a cigarette-lighter is ultimately creepy, and the ghost appearing out of nowhere is just utterly spectacular and ranks as another highlight. Other standout scenes include the freak-out in the movie theater to a fantastic dream sequence where they play hide-and-seek with a ghost in a fog-covered cemetery along with a great scene where there's seemingly endless flashes of nightmare-ish faces appearing out of nowhere and the encounter at the waterfall that sets up the wonderful twist at the finale which is completely unexpected and definitely works well to send the film out on a high, the fact that they're so much fun is a plus for the film in any regard. Also really fun is the several flashbacks used to spell out everything. The two main ones are the best, as the first one is where we initially learn what she was like to the girl in the past with the group of friends bullying the girl to how they singled her out to be picked on. The second flashback that shows how they eventually grew apart after the difference in their social stature makes for a great contrast to her current state and helps sell this one even further. The last plus for the film is the fact that the ghost here manages to offer up a really fun and unique killing method that allows for more creepiness to come out of the film as well. These here are what work for the film as there wasn't a whole lot here that wasn't worthwhile. One of the few problems is the film's rather slow beginning due to several relatively small issues. One of those is the fact that the scares presented here, from the hide-and-seek game to the encounters in the swimming pool, are really just too short to mean anything, coming so rapidly that it's hard to take them in as they're done without ever doing anything about it. The last big flaw to this one is the fact that the middle segments are so slowly-paced that outside of the ghost's actions, it hardly has anything worthwhile. First up is the fact that the amnesia angle is dragged out way too long to really mean much of anything, taking up the entire middle portion of the film and not at all doing much to keep the momentum going since the film takes an eternity to spell out what really happened. It also doesn't help much that an explanation for their behavior toward the girl is beyond lame and really shouldn't have been the cause when there are far more believable ones out there. These here are the film's few problems.Rated R: Language and Violence.


If it wasn't for that unforeseeable climax, the Korean film 'Ryeong' would've have been commendable, but shop-worn experience lumped in familiar and tired staples. The shivers were just no there for me. Imagery is cold and sterile, with a depressing stench. However most of the time it looks lamentable, sitting there all pretty. Photography is lushly lensed. I couldn't find myself soaking up the atmospheric chills, and director/writer Tae-kyeong Kim glossy slow-burn; suggestive horror tailoring didn't feel well-judged and kind of bored me. The music score can creep up on you, but doesn't help generate much in the way of suspense. It seemed to lack that device, well up until its conclusion. On the other-hand the hazy story is well-organised, as it does go out of its way in depth and its major twist is well-disguised. The material wisely and perfectly hands out piece by piece as our protagonist gains back their memory, and that's when everything you thought was faithful, slowly unravels the true colours with captivating and harrowing results. You're initial thoughts change. Never does the fractured groundwork disorient. Actually these recurring visions are more fulfilling than the jump tactics. Ha-Neul Kim's vulnerably sullen and confused performance infuses the right mood and empathy. The rest of the cast do a solid job also. As for the vengeful spirit. No surprises; black long hair, one eye, white dress, water… water everywhere. One thing you notice; watch out for the stretching hand and if you get the feeling of being watched slowly turn you head. The victims do. I don't know how many times this had happened?


To call a film boring is not something I would usually count as a valid criticism. However, when a film is crassly made of spare parts from other films that weren't that good to begin with, and it is slow as molasses with no real payoff, I think it's fair to call a spade a spade. And The Ghost is a very boring film.A movie that is about as original as its' name, The Ghost tells the story of a young girl with amnesia being haunted by a ghost that holds the secret to her past. Only, it's a whole lot more complicated and less interesting than one would think.The plot line is almost incomprehensible for most of the picture and the hook, the amnesia element, only makes things worse. It seems that no one, including the screenwriter and director have any clue what the hell is happening at any given moment. Instead they chose to do what roughly amounts to the filmic equivalent of a sitcom clip show. There are scenes taken directly from Ringu, Dark Water, Shutter, The Grudge series, and a smattering of Pulse for good measure. Making matters worse, the half dozen female leads all dress and read their lines alike, making them impossible to tell apart.There is just nothing to grasp onto with this film. The story isn't all that well thought out. The amnesia gimmick is lazy. The mystery element is un-involving and handled with little grace. The characters never deduce anything, all the information is just handed out through the lead remembering her past whenever it is convenient for the plot.The cinematography, full of reflections and shots of water at least attempts to add to the subtext, a thematic link with the amnesia and the final twist (which I won't reveal) is nice, but often overwrought. Even the score feels borrowed and cliché.Worst of all, the inciting action for the curse isn't very interesting and the final twist is predictable and lame. "Wait, you mean that one character who has 15 minutes of screen time but appeared to have nothing to do with the plot comes back in the end? No!" Audiences are too savvy for this kind of tripe. Anyone who has seen any of the films that this rips off will find very little to even keep them awake with this feature. I used to think Shimizu was the bottom of the barrel for this kind of crap (remaking his grudge film no less than 5 times) but even his second rate work like Reincarnation, a film I couldn't even bring my self to finish, is miles ahead of this.For more reviews please visit


Tartan's new release of Ryeong, A.k.a. The Ghost is not one of their better releases. In fact, I found The Ghost to be one of the worst Asian ghost stories I've seen in awhile. This is not to say that Ghost is necessarily a bad film, it just doesn't offer anything new to jaded horror viewers, and seems like a hodge-podge of several prior successful Asian horror films, Chiefly, The Ring, Ju-On, Shutter, and Dark Water.The Ghost tells the story of Ji-Won, a young student who is afflicted with amnesia. She is completely unaware of her prior life, including an incident which sets up the haunting of Ji-Won by a long-haired ghost girl. As her friends start to die off, she decides to investigate the event that led to the deaths of her friends. Peeling back the layers of her subconscious, she slowly unravels clues to her past, which inevitably lead to a giant plot-twist, which I saw coming at about 20 minutes into the film.If it sounds like something you've seen before, that's because it is. The Ghost adds nothing new to the K-Horror genre and heavily borrows (Or steals) from past K and J-Horror successes. In fact, even some of the score was lifted from The Shutter (not to mention the plot)! The sad thing is that the film isn't all that bad. The Ghost is somewhat creepy, there are some decent scares, the pacing is good, and the story is decent. But to those of us familiar with Asia Horror, it's just more of the same. If The Ghost had been made before such films as The Ring or Dark Water, it would probably be regarded as a great entry into the K-Horror genre. Alas, it was made after, and offers nothing new, but retreads of familiar territory.If your a fan of K-Horror and are looking for something to pass time until the next great Horror flick comes out, or if you like to collect K-Horror than check it out. If your the occasional Asian horror flick viewer, save your time. You've seen it all before.My Rating 4.5 out of 10. The Ghost delivers nothing that I hadn't seen before. It's predictable, and forgettable.

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