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A mad scientist unleashes his master plan: to transform himself into a mutated walking catfish, and gain revenge on those who have spurned him. His plans go wrong, and he becomes tempted to kidnap a nubile young woman to similarly transform her so that he can breed.

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Release : 1971
Rating : 2.2
Studio : Barton Films, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Makeup Artist, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror Thriller Science Fiction

Cast List

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Sick Product of a Sick System


everything you have heard about this movie is true.


Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

Anders Twetman

The movie starts with an exceedingly inane narration overlayed on some kind of nature show about fishes. It then moves on to show the narrator, a scientist type guy, who bumbles about his bleepy, bloopy blinking lights laboratory doing sciency stuff. He then strips (not a pretty sight) and immerses himself in a pool full of red water, by which he is turned into a hilarious looking "walking catfish monster" (guy in ugly rubber suit). Said monster then spends the rest of the movie bumbling about in much the same way science guy did, only the monster kills people instead of doing science, all set to swamp sounds like "wuuuh" and the like, plenty of clips of water creatures spliced in for good measure. Meanwhile, hero type and love interest girl have shown up in their camper van and red jumpsuits, accompanied by overly dramatic music where ever they go. It takes them a good half an hour to figure out who the monster is and where to find him, then hero type spends the rest of the movie stumbling through a swamp in search of the monster and his kidnapped girlfriend. Final fight ensues, the end.As you can tell, the film is mostly a lot of boring stumbling and bumbling, not really moving in any direction. When anything does happen it is often rather ridiculous, and the monster, which is the main focus, is ridiculous all the time.


I consider myself a connoisseur of bad movies, but this one is really something special. Compared to this, Plan 9, The Room, Manos: Hands of Fate, and even Killer Shrews are all masterpieces.There are unanswered questions in almost all movies, but there are simply so many in this one:First and foremost, why exactly did crossing a man with a catfish seem like a good way to rule the world?Why do they keep cutting to a sea turtle during his attacks?What did the octopus have to do with *anything*?Why did the guy who was following him still need the Geiger counter *after* he had him in plain sight. While we're on the subject, why didn't he simply shoot him at that point?Why didn't the sheriff use the gun in his hand? Opting for a fist fight with a man/catfish really seemed like questionable judgment.While we're on the subject, where did that gun go?Finally, they rescued the girl *before* he did anything to her, so why did she decide to become a fish at the end? Was she bowled over by his charm?Anyway, all I can say is wow. Just, wow.

Rens Gouw

Wow! I watched this movie several times, because it was awesome. I really laughed throughout the entire movie! Fighting scenes without hitting, terrible soundtrack, people acting worse than the TNA Wrestling contestants, the lead actor visibly waiting for his cue AND a dragging, unconvincing sentimental scene at the end. This movie has it all. It really is THE flick for some late night entertainment with no suspense, only kick-ass slap-stick scenes put together. Of course this was not the intention of the makers, but with their budget, you can hardly expect anything more. This movie has an enormous cultural value. Although I agree with the IMDb's 1.7 for it's genre (horror/thriller) it deserves a ten for bringing joy and laughter in the world. Thanks Don Barton, I enjoyed every moment!


"Zaat" is pretty bad and barely worthwhile entry.**SPOILERS**Undergoing a strange experiment, Dr. Kurt Leopold, (Marshall Grauer) manages to mix together the DNA of several different species of fish, then injects them into himself and turns into a mutated fish monster. Still reeling from years of rejection from the scientific community, he sets out to avenge his humiliation, attracting the attention of Sheriff Lou Krantz, (Paul Galloway) and worker Rex, (Gerald Cruse) a Wildlife Agent in the area testing for pollution in a local watering hole, and the deaths force him to call in Martha Walsh, (Sanna Ringhaver) and Walker Stevens, (Dave Dickerson) who confirm the notion that some monstrous fish is behind the deaths and set out to stop it before it's too late.The Good News: There was hardly anything in this one worthwhile. One of the few good points is that the creature attacks a larger number of victims than expected. From a great one attacking a couple camping in the wilderness where it drags off the woman and a somewhat suspenseful scene where it goes after a doctor's family at his home and another family fishing on the water, there's some rather decent attacks in here that manage to make it somewhat interesting at times. Another big attack is the creature rampaging through the town, where it chases the towns-members through several different stores and through the open areas, which are pretty fun and definitely get something going in here. Managing to trap the creature through the swamp is another pretty decent scene, since that one requires some suspenseful moments to come into play when they don't know what to do with it and where it's at, so there's something here that works nicely. It was also a nice idea to be able to get the transformation scene on-camera and done rather quickly, as it looks really good and happens to be well-done and since it occurs really early-on, the fact that there's going to be a lot of time spent with it is a good thing. The last good part to this one is the torture methods with the female camper, as there's some pretty nice things involved there that make it a chilling scene, and coupled with the antics of the creature, it's pretty nice to be able to see them occur in here. These, though, are all that's right with this one.The Bad News: There's a large amount of things wrong with this one. Amongst the flaws, one of the biggest ones is the fact that this one is just utterly dull and rarely features anything that will cause the viewer to be invested in what goes on. From endlessly watching the characters discuss their daily routine or spending a lot of time around those that are meant only to enhance the body count, among others, make this one a chore to get through in the middle stages of the film, where it should be getting going with its story and not slowing down to focus on these matters. These are further compounded in other areas where it's hard to really get anything out of the film, including the opening which is just excruciating. Watching fish swim around in tanks or the open water while a narrator speaks over everything about the fascinating virtues of a fish isn't a way to begin a film of this value, as it will elicit feelings of boredom almost immediately, and especially since this sequence manages to last around fifteen minutes. That's how long it takes to get a person on camera, and it's even longer until we know what's going on since these are silent shots once the narrator goes away, leaving it nearly impossible to care about anything that's going on with these scenes. The continuing ability to focus on fish swimming around also carries over into the later parts of the film, so this one can feel like a nature documentary at times, and that's not a good way to feel during this one. This one also didn't need to have the sequence with the hippie love-in, or whatever-they-were-doing, as slowing the film down right when the creature is on the loose to be subjected to a terrible folk-rock song from people who don't have any impact on the remainder of events is a terrible decision and is yet another factor in this one's downfall. Aside from the dullness, the film also has several parts which make no sense, such as the creature's rampage within the pharmacy. All it does is allow for an excuse to follow it later since it gets a white powder all-over-it, and to watch it stand around doing nothing just doesn't make any sense at all. Even more curious is that the creature continues on with the scientist's abilities while as a fish-monster, when it should instead simply be a mindless creature out wrecking havoc, not interested in experimentations or the like. The last flaw here is the incredibly low-budget, which is fairly obvious. From the look of the creature's make-up to the setting and location, it's obvious this one was cheap, and some of the stuff is reflected in here. These here are the film's flaws.The Final Verdict: Almost nothing of any value to be found here and a whole series of flaws manages to make this one just plain, utterly terrible. Recommended only to those aficionados of extremely bad cinema, while those who like a hint of talent to come through in films should avoid this one indefinitely.Rated PG: Violence

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