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Citizen Dog

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Citizen Dog

Follow the life of Pod as he moves to Bangkok from the country. Pod's new life starts with getting a job, losing a finger and dreaming about a girl. A movie were nothing is impossible, and just because you get killed by raining red helmets doesn't mean you have to stop driving a motorcycle taxi.

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Release : 2004
Rating : 7.3
Studio : Five Star Production,  The Film Factory, 
Crew : Production Design,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Pen-Ek Ratanaruang
Genre : Fantasy Drama Comedy Romance

Cast List

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Expected more


It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.

Loui Blair

It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.

Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film


Pod moves from the country to Bangkok. there he gets a job at a sardine company, meets Jin a maid with whom he falls in love,and eventually becomes a celebrity because he is the only one in the city with out a tail.(I'm leaving out the white book,the finger, the job shifts, the rain of helmets, the plastic mountain, the royal princess, tails, reincarnation and 9 or 10 other things) Off the wall fantasy romance environmental comedy with music. This is the sort of thing that could never get made in the United States and could only come out of Asia. I don't mean that as a put down, only that outside of the West people are more willing to let movies be what ever they are.At turns charming, surreal, funny and too much this is a very wild movie. It drops you into its own little world and keeps you there. I have no idea how to describe it other than its its own animal and unlike any film that has ever been made outside of Thailand (I've seen some Thai films that are equally loopy). The music is good. the sentiment is sweet. All of the weird things that happen just seem to be taken in stride and its wonderful.It also can be a bit overwhelming. Frankly by the time I put in the second VCD I was getting worn out. Too much whimsy for my taste. Actually its not the whimsy so much as some plot shifts that lengthen the story for no good reason (some of the environmental/Peter plot line seems to just go on) and the film seems to be running not so much in its own time but an allotted time.If you can take the film for what it is and let it sweep over you like a tsunami then you'll probably have a good time. Definitely worth a look for those who hate the run of the mill.


Oh my, I love this movie so much, and I'm wondering where should my gushing start from. Director Wisit Sasanatieng has weaved yet another beautiful film in terms of visuals in this romance-fantasy story, and it's not difficult to see the progression and retention of the plus points made from his earlier feature Tears of the Black Tiger.Perhaps first the storyline. It's quirky and bizarre, fit for a fairy tale like structure in terms of narrative style. Yet at the same time it's uplifting, inspirational and provides plenty of hope. Key to the plot is the aged old saying that when you're always looking for something, you'll never find it, but once you stopped searching, it'll appear right in front of you. This will be the central theme throughout the movie, at times made up of seemingly separate segments touching on the different lives that our hero Pod (Mahasamut Boonyaruk) encounters. Many of the bizarreness of the city are seen through the innocent eyes of Pod, a country bumpkin who left his country home to journey to Bangkok in search for a better life.And it's a pretty pastel coloured world, adding a surreal sense to all the happenings in Pod's life, throughout his work as a packer in a sardine factory, a security guard, and a taxi driver. In a number of decisions that he makes, he does it for his love, Jin (Saengthong Gate- Uthong), who works as a maid in the same company. Jin, an obsessive compulsive with cleanliness, however, is the pragmatist, and doesn't think that their current financial status would allow them to lead a comfortable life together. Hence it's a constant pursuit for Pod, as Jin gets very sidetracked with her aims in life - as an environmental activist as well as to find out the true meaning of her mysterious white book.Narrated by fellow Thai filmmaker Pen-Ek Ratanaruang, the opening credits played to an addictive song, signals that it's one heck of a ride. There are plenty of endearing, funny, and kooky characters that populate the city. from a young girl who smokes and swears, a licker, a taxi-motorcyclist, and even Pod's Grandmother all make this dream-like Bangkok, something worth highlighting. There are loads of wonderful songs included to help move the narrative along, since dialogue by the leads, especially in the beginning, is kept to a minimum.There are plenty of special effects and techniques used to complement the beautiful, colourful cinematography, and even animation and stop motion puppetry were used to bring some characters to life. The art direction too is top notch, and the sets are always a sight to behold. The jokes come fast and furious, and mostly through the playing out of the innocence and dreams of Pod, literal as well as figural, as he tries to make sense of this new world he lives in.This is a highly recommended movie, and I think I'll try to look for its DVD. Wisit Sasanatieng is currently at the helm of a (locally funded?) production called Armful, and going by his track record, I sure would be interested to see his spin on a martial arts movie.

James McNally

I saw this film at the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival. I'd heard some buzz around this film, that it was sort of a Thai Amelie. In fact, it's Amelie cranked up to 11. Which is entirely too much. This film is absolutely overstuffed with whimsy. A narrator tells us the story of country boy Pod, who comes to Bangkok to find work and falls in love with Jin. Along the way, he loses and then finds his finger, drives around a chainsmoking talking teddy-bear as well as a man who licks everything, and shares his house with a gecko that has the face of his dead grandmother. If that's not enough, the object of his desire is an obsessive neat freak who carries around a book written in Italian that she can't read. A case of mistaken identity sends her off on an environmental crusade that results in her accumulating a mountain (literally, a mountain) of plastic water bottles. Will this pair find love in the end? Well, by the end, I didn't care that much.The problem was that the visual tricks and whimsy overwhelm the characters, who end up being nothing more than a collection of quirks. The constant voice-over also never really lets the characters tell their own stories, and the romance never feels believable.Sasanatieng is obviously a director of huge talent, and there are quite a few great sight gags and some really original visuals. But there's just far too much of it. It's like eating a whole chocolate cake at one sitting. If he could tone down the trickery a bit, and find a story with real characters, he could one day make a really outstanding film. This isn't it yet, but I hope he does it.


Granted the setting is vastly different (contemporary Bangkok) and there's not a drop of blood to be seen, "Citizen Dog" is a brilliant sophomore work from the director of "Tears of the Black Tiger" -- one of the best and most original movies I've seen in the last ten years.Retaining the odd color schemes in a somewhat muted form, and excellent choice of soundtracks, this movie is really a lot of fun. A large ensemble of bizarre characters completes the picture including a dead motorcycle taxi driver, an amnesiac addicted to licking things, and a talking, chain-smoking teddy bear.Follow the adventures of Pod as he moves to Bangkok from the country, takes a number of different jobs and meets Jin, the girl of his dreams. Along the way, a number of really weird things happen and everyone gets a tail, but hey, love's like that.

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