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In July 2010, a vacationing couple discovered something disturbing on a ranch in rural Texas. Armed with a home camcorder, they captured their experience on video.

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Release : 2013
Rating : 4.4
Studio :
Crew : Director,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror Science Fiction

Cast List

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To me, this movie is perfection.


Thanks for the memories!


Crappy film


Captivating movie !


UNAWARE is another found footage style movie with a sci-fi rather than horror angle. Another reviewer was right on the money when he said that ALIEN ABDUCTION: THE MCPHERSON TAPE which was ten times the film this is; not a perfect film by any means, but one which had plenty of incident and creepy stuff going on throughout to recommend it.By comparison, UNAWARE is very dull and threadbare. At least half of the running time has nothing going on apart from the dull two protagonists wandering around and chatting. There's supposed to be mystery here, and a sense of pervading horror at something nasty in the garage, but it doesn't really work. It feels instead like the characters are just treading water and waiting for the good stuff, which never arrives anyway (the budget is so cheap that we just see a couple of things in the distance and that's it). Despite being beautifully shot - the camera-work is refreshingly non-shaky and the locations are great - the lack of incident and narrative makes this a very tedious watch.


I am normally an open minded fan of fan footage movies. I typically give generous 10 star reviews of indie movies that make up for low budget with competent acting and original story lines.Unfortunately, this movie was neither original nor well executed. It was boring and predictable. I about puked in the middle thanks to the shaky camera lens and loud background noises. I didn't expect much from the acting but the characters were so poorly written that it good acting might not have made a difference anyway. The special effects were okay for the most part, except for the alien which looked like a guy wearing a lizard suit.This is where I'm going to spoil the movie for you so you don't have to watch it. Here is the plot in a nutshell: 1. Couple goes to surprise visit Dude's family, which are conveniently not home. They decide to find a way into the house and stay anyway.2. Dude and Dudette do cutesy couple stuff before Dude realizes he wants to snoop in his grandfather's barn which has been labeled off limits since his childhood.3. Dude and Dudette spend gobs of time searching through predictable clues about aliens like top secret letters and outdated military electronics. They walk back and forth between the barn and the house like ten times because they need the Internet and can't put two and two together by themselves.4. Dude and Dudette try to call the FBI and report the alien. Hilarious scene where the alien shows up in the window. Oooh. Ahh. Yikes! How scary! (not) 5. The ending is so Blair Witch - lots of screams and shadows. Person in the lizard suit runs toward the camera all menacingly and apparently drags Dudette off caveman style before being beamed back onto the mothership. The ending scene is ridiculously vague and implies that Dude is either murdered or kidnapped by Men in Black who are there to cover the whole thing up.As you can see, you are not missing much if you skip this movie. The funny thing was, when I first heard about this movie I really wanted to watch it. I thought it was going to be a close encounters kind of movie, which it's not. In any case, don't waste eighty minutes of your life unless you want to get sick.


**spoiler alert**There are already reviews that walk you through the story-line so I will save you from reading another iteration of it. Essentially I will focus on why this movie is so brutally and obviously fake and a complete insult to the found footage genre. However before I slice this apart I will say that the movie producers and director did a tremendous job of hyping this and creating a thick layer of internet rumor buzz including lacing the communication lines with rumors of the actors being unknown and still missing and the Governments involvement in this cover-up. Well played marketing lead-up however there are so many things that become obvious and predictable once you see this movie that this marketing hype, like me, may completely offend you. I will start by saying that when they make movies like this where they want you to believe something that is not real, they will start with many 'setups' strategically placed to convince you. Secondly because they are so focused on convincing you that they miss really key little details to hold the story together to keep you believing.So I will create my list for you focusing on the 'setups' and 'details' in no particular order so that you can make your own deduction: 1) Setup - on the way to their grandfathers, the pass and pay particular attention to a military base - makes us believe there is military involvement of some kind 2) Setup - male actor shares his distant relationship with grandfather and the secret nature of his service - makes us believe there are secrets ahead 3) Setup - big chained fence with intercom at a country home - makes us believe something big might be behind it (female actor also builds this for us in a badly acted way) 4) Detail - although the big chain fence is locked the male actor still remembers the code - makes us believe a grandfather that is hiding something would not change the code (sure). 5) Setup - grandfather and grandmother not home - surprise, surprise (of course they're not home) - makes us believe they will be alone 6) Detail - poor acting by female actor to get mad at male actor about not calling ahead - not believable at all as she lets him off the hook way too easily. 7) Detail - male actor knows where he hides the key to the house - which is in the middle of the back yard near a true in no specific spot (hmmmm, must have been right there in the grass where it is obvious and easy to be mowed over...makes sense!) 8) Setup - male actor shows female actor around showing the 69 Cutlass - ah, because this will be used later so you have to know about it now. 9) Setup - male actor talks about his grandfather never letting him go near or see inside of the barn - so we are made to believe that a kid as curious as this guy has never, ever seen inside this barn...nice setup to ask "Oh, please tell us what's inside". 10) Detail/Setup - absolutely no chemistry between these 2 and his big surprise is he is taking her to his grandparents' house (with his grandfather who doesn't like him) to arrive unannounced only to propose to his romantic! (Brutal detail and setup!) 11) Detail - they apparently make food and she arrives back with a movie, he pours wine and they proceed to eat what appears to be snacks for their romantic post proposal dinner. Of course all he can do after proposing is think about going to the anyone would do after proposing of course. Again poor detail and setup. 12) Setup - male actor goes to barn to hear a strange noise inside only to get scared and run back to the house - making us believe something ominous is inside...oh...ah. Of course if you were really that freaked out I guess like all of us we would stay put on the property and think more about it vs getting the hell out of there!!! 13) Setup - tries to tell girlfriend but she is too engulfed in her movie - making us believe it is now his big secret. 14) Setup/Detail - talks to the camera...which by the way...they are documenting their weekend way too closely as this camera is going absolutely everywhere with them....people don't even us a GoPro this way! Additionally he mentions earlier that he will leave the place exactly how he found it yet he is smoking in the house in their courteous of him; I am sure his military, raged grandfather Roy will be fine with this! 15) Setup/Detail – he convinces his girlfriend to back to the barn and gets a crowbar to open the lock - makes us believe she is involved in the mystery to build suspense. Detail missed is he twists the crowbar a few times to open the lock, only to claim fixing it later (even though he is afraid of his grandfather)...really??? (END OF PART 1 OF 2)


This movie features two lily-livered cowards as its main protagonists. They share no on screen chemistry, and the actors struggle to deliver wooden, staid dialogue. Joe, our male protagonist, is notable for wearing the same sweaty shirt long after he has the opportunity to change and towards the end of the film insists upon going shirtless (sadly) as a way to affirm his control of the situation. Lisa has fat ankles and reacts in terror to such things as locked gates, barns and the use of spare keys.For most of the film, nothing happens, so we get to enjoy spending quality time with these two annoying people who are of no interest whatsoever. In one such scene, the character of Joe watches his fiancé play with a hula hoop outside and reacting as if she's trying to do some kind of skateboard stunt, all with the, "Oh my god!"s and the "Are you serious?!"s.In another scene, we get to watch the two characters eat snacks. In another, they discuss how abnormal it is for people over the age of fifty to enjoy pizza and cookies (????).Unlike other found footage films like Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activity, or even Grave Encounters, there's no sense of mounting dread or heightened stakes. All the viewer receives is torturous footage of two people running around a farm. These characters have milk for blood, I swear. They react to the most innocuous of phenomena like Scooby and Shaggy.The conditions keeping them present in the situation which is apparently so terrifying for them (not so much for us) are contrived and plain idiotic. During the last five minutes, the director blows all of his budget at once and it heads towards the mindless, mind-numbing and derivative ending for found-footage films which has become an unfortunate staple of the genre.I would advise anyone not to watch this dreck unless you require a sleeping aid and pills are no longer effective.

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