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Mr. Jingles

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Mr. Jingles

Determined to make the guilty parties pay for what they did, Mr. Jingles goes on a bloody killing spree, wreaking grisly havoc on the families of those who put him behind bars. But the homicidal clown had one witness who got away - and spent years in an institution trying to erase the gory memories. Now she is back and ready to join society again - but someone else is planning a very different homecoming!

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Release : 2006
Rating : 2.1
Studio : Crossbow 5 Entertainment, 
Crew : Director of Photography,  Director, 
Cast :
Genre : Horror

Cast List

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You won't be disappointed!


Simply Perfect


This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.


This movie has amazing acting, some very good grammar usage, and a great use of the F bomb! :) this has really inspired me to make my own horror movie and hire all the teenage kids in my neighborhood to come be the actors and directors!! Mr Jingles has a very unique whistle that you can't miss.. this movie really depicts a teenagers life and their drug selling life.. the intro was very long but I'm glad they got EVERYONES name in this intro credits.. the band geeks are a good touch.. what a well thought out plot and setting for this entire movie! I think we need to make more movies like this to appreciate real movies. Glad all the 12 year olds finally got a movie made from their dreams!! <3


Within the first second this movie starts out on a sour note, as two and a half minutes of credits roll against a plain black background, while the music of a garage band Korn plays. When the first actual shot comes up, you will immediately be taken aback by the low quality of the image. This movie appears to have been shot on a circa 1992 home camcorder.First let me note some positive points. To be fair, by the end of the movie I was used to the image quality. Also, the director seems to have some understanding of image composition, a rarity in films of this budget. Don't expect pleasing or astounding imagery, just some competence for a movie of this caliber. The makeup on Mr. Jingles (Dr. Rudy Hatfield, Biker Zombies) was fairly decent. His secondary makeup later in the movie looks like a costume shop quality appliance, but it's still all passable. That said, the Jingles makeup is nowhere near as cool-looking as it is on the cover art. Another positive, there is some attempt at character development. Sound recording isn't impressive, but dialogue is always audible.For those wondering about nudity there are two brief instances, but not likely to cater to all tastes. I'm no puritan, but to have girls get naked for your $500 dollar budget movie just seems tasteless to me. Anyways, watch for the appearance of garden gnomes during the lovemaking scenes. I suspect there is some deep symbolism to be found in these.Writer/director Todd Brunswick (They Must Eat) fails to build suspense in his sequences. Terror sequences with Mr. Jingles are made humorous by the absurd things that come out of his mouth every time he opens it. These quips are the most entertaining aspect of the movie, but I don't think we're supposed to be laughing.Gore in this movie is quite limited, mostly blood spraying onto characters from off camera. Mr. Jingles impales a few people with his small hatchets, though it's usually not exactly impressive-looking. There's a funny scene with Jingles jumping on a goth guy's back, as the guy spits blood out, and Jingles laughs maniacally. Also, watch for the part where the cop fires a gun, and the gunfire sounds like fingers snapping! On a side note, I read somewhere that this movie is a sequel to S.I.C.K., which I have yet to see, so I can't confirm this. However, there is a confirmed sequel to Mr. Jingles, entitled Jingles the Clown (2009).For comparison, this movie is slightly better than Fear of Clowns, because Mr. Jingles has a more engaging story (you heard it here first), slightly better camera placement (close-ups are still excessive, but nowhere near to the same degree), however the lighting was better in Fear of Clowns. All in all, Mr. Jingles has more potential unintended laughs than Fear of Clowns. Mr. Jingles scores points for attempts at character development, laughs (intentional or not), and one obligatory point for the effort to make art.


OK, oh boy. Mr. Jingles. The first thing i should state about this movie is that, if you're expecting a low budget classic where the script showed some heart and is actually a fun, mildly creative horror movie such as Satan's Little Helper, not only will you be disappointed, but you will want to subsequently shoot the TV, take out the DVD, chew it up, and spit it back into the DVD case and then return it to the store. However, if you walk in knowing it's going to be crap and you want a laugh, then this movie is gold. Why? Because mr. jingles is quite possibly one of the cheapest, most poorly made movies i've ever seen in my life. And, what a shocker, it's released by Lionsgate. Once again, i love the misleading cover art. all right, enough intro, let's get onto the plotIn the beginning we're introduced to the backstory of how mr. jingles randomly went through people's houses and killed them. He makes it to this girl's house and kills both of her parents. the father with two axes to the head that look like plastic and horrible editing, and the mother (my favorite in the movie) where she dumps what look like pig sausages out of a hole in her shirt which are supposed to be intestines. now this is hysterical because once she dumps them, you can actually see behind the hole where the intestines were supposed to fall out and you can see her skin, perfectly intact. quality. anyway, apparently this is supposed to be our lead actress as a child being scarred by mr. jingles. the only problem is, they use the actress for when she's grown up. what? they couldn't afford a 10 year old actress? apparently not.The police come, and shoot mr. jingles with the WORST sound effect of a gun i've ever heard. they couldn't even afford a fake prop gun? THE HELL WAS the budget on this movie? two bucks? a cap gun with smoke would have worked better! they cost 2.50 at Walmart! i don't get it! there's no excuse. But it IS hysterical.then we flash forward to the present. apparently the girl has grown up and finished rehab. She is going to live with her cousins and aunt. and of course the cousin and his friends do nothing but have sex and do drugs. now, if i didn't know better, i'd think that people who make movies were NEVER teenagers. We don't all do drugs and have rampant wild sex, we don't bust into a fully choreographed dance number in the halls, and we don't have hierarchies. Get your facts straight. So the cousin's friends feel they have nothing better to do than dress up like mr. jingles and scare the crap out of her.Meanwhile the cop who originally shot mr. jingles meets up with a crazy bum and the mayor (who is by far the worst actor in this movie btw) and the bum tells them how mr. jingles is back and is going to kill more people. he's back because.... i don't even know. he just is. the bum then goes into this whole spiel about how mr. jingles has to be cornered by four candles and trapped in order to send him back to hell, and that the cop who killed him is the only one that can do it, but this side story is quickly forgotten as mr. jingles kills both of them and this is never spoken of again. WHAT THE HELL?! did they just make a way to stop jingles, talk about it for 20 minutes and then kill the guys who had a plan never to speak of it again?! you could have totally cut that whole segment out! it was POINTLESS! So after that, mr. jingles kills two of the drug friends in the woods with horrible editing and a fake dildo, and then we see the main girl's female cousin with the pancake boobs take a shower. and then she gets killed. huzzah. meanwhile the male goth cousin who has been saying that maybe dressing up as the homicidal maniac who killed the girl's parents to scare the hell out of her isn't that smart of an idea (sound advice) but his notions of a conscience are quickly erased as his goth girlfriend seduces him and they get to lovin.Anyways, the girls have decided to throw a party. Even though they promised the aunt they wouldn't. So the goth girl dresses up as mr. jingles and is killed by him. while throwing the party, more stoner friends get killed and finally it's just the main girl and mr. jingles. and here's where the ending makes no sense. Mr. Jingles is holding two axes and stands there. then all of a sudden the girl is holding th axes. So...she's supposed to really have been mr. jingles i guess? but how was she fighting him? i don't know. the police come after the bodies are set up ala 'happy birthday to me' style around the table, and they lead the girl out to the cop car. However, after they do so, mr. jingles pops out. (rubs temple) roll credits.This movie is just awful. If this was actually meant to be scary, i feel bad for whoever wrote this. the special effects are abysmal and the plot just leaves loose ends. whatever happened to the candle thing? is she really not mr. jingles? how did he come back? i don't know, and honestly, i don't care.The acting, if you can call it that is something you'd expect from a car mechanic trying out for a shakespearean play. do yourself a favor. skip this one. unless you want to laugh your butt off. cause you will. with lots of loose ends, terrible everything, Mr. Jingles gets 1 shirtful of pig intestines, out of 10


I am a man who loves bad horror movie but Mr. Jingles really was a disappointment to me. I really hope that this was not intended as a professional effort but as a student film it was somewhat above being a total waste of time. Assuming this is a student film and not a professional effort gives the film a 2 instead of a 1 in my rating.The film is about a homicidal clown that comes back to haunt a local neighborhood after a past killing spree. Mr. Jingles antics and attempts at witty commentary do make the film almost comic but it is still hard to watch.Effects and sound quality were terrible. I remember making films w/ a video camera in high school that were on this level. Please spare us from any future efforts. I am praying that Mr. Jingles will not come back to haunt us with a sequel.

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