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Leaving Metropolis

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Leaving Metropolis

David is a creatively stifled painter in desperate need of inspiration. As happenstance would have it, while seeking a job waiting tables, David stumbles upon a new muse in the form of a strapping diner owner named Matt. In short order the two bond over a shared love of art, and before long their passion for painting transforms into something more torrid. If it weren't for Matt's wife, Violet, everything would be perfect.

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Release : 2002
Rating : 6.1
Studio : Original Pictures, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Production Design, 
Cast : Vince Corazza Lynda Boyd Thom Allison Tom Anniko John Bluethner
Genre : Drama Comedy Romance

Cast List

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You won't be disappointed!

Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.


The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

Haven Kaycee

It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film

Jay Harris

This is a 2002 film written & directed by Brad Fraser. It is based on his play POOR SUPER MAN.This is only his second screenplay, his first was the equally excellent LOVE AND HUMAN REMAINS.There are only 5 characters in the film.We have a supposedly straight young couple,who own a small diner, a successful gay artist, who takes a part time job as a waiter in this diner,his best friend who used to be a guy,& another friend,who also was born a guy, his story is not a very happy one.Yes we do have both type sex scenes, & they are exceptionally very well handled.Brad Fraser writes with great charm & wit,he has created wonderful, complex people,we may disagree with some thoughts BUT we care for each one. There are enough light humorous scenes in the first hour,so we can accept the sadness towards the ending.The reference to Superman is part of the authors wit.The actors are from Canadien & American TV. they are Troy Ruptash, Vince Corazz, Lynda Boyd, Charlee Taylor & Thom Allison.I hope all 5 become real big stars.The movie was filmed in Winnipeg,Alberta,Canada.The only release it got was in various film festivalsIt did win the Grande Prize at the Montreal World Film Festival in 2002.It should have had more honours, it is that good a movie.Rent this & see it, I am sure you all will like it.Ratings; **** (out of 4) 97 points (out of 100) IMDb 10 (out of 10)


From the description in the television guide, I wasn't sure if I'd like this one. But, thanks to 'Here!' channel, I got to see it uninterrupted and found it to be a super film ... a very insightful story of very believable characters by an extremely talented, perfectly-cast, fascinating group of actors(none of whom I have ever seen before, but hope to see often). Of course, the brilliant author/director had 'something to do with it'. I found each character to be fully drawn and could identify with each of them ... something I don't see often in films.I want to see more about these people. Thank you all for sharing with us.Please, folks, do not hesitate to dive into this one with both feet and your whole heart.


I would like to have seen Fraser's play, POOR SUPER MAN, largely because there are plaintive allusions to Superman in the film that make me know they were, in some context not necessarily evident, important. I think the film became confused: fading pre-op transsexual, nasty self-loathing, fag hag friend with a drinking problem, a closeted straight man too innocent for life-- with an accompanying jealous wife-- and a Virgil-like artist guide who seems compelled to lead them all through the Circles of Hell.I was not surprised that the artist and his straight man foil have sex; steamy and straightforward sex. I was shocked, however, that so much of the movie then seemed to pivot on the obvious. The only vital thing I saw were the paintings of straight man Matt which artist David had conjured out of desire and the experience of desire ( who said TS Eliot was a dessicated old bag? He knew this story backwards and forwards!). These were both titillating and of heroic dimension.Maybe we should have skipped the film and gone, instead, to the exhibition.I suggest one see LOVE AND HUMAN REMAINS and LEAVING METROPOLIS together; LOVE AND HUMAN REMAINS is the better of the two, but, together, one gets a real glimpse of Fraser's enormous talent.


This comment contains a huge spoiler which actually is the reason I'm writing it. More times than most when a writer hands his book, screenplay, story, etc. over to a studio where a new screen adaptation is required, plus a new director, the film is usually unrecognizable from the author's original intent. This movie is one of those rare times when a new script and definitely a new director was needed. When a playwright/stage director/moviemaker goes to put his work on screen, he quite often cannot look at the finished product objectively.Listening to Brad Fraser's commentary on the DVD, he explains so many things that he thought the viewer should've known, but in his concept they were never made clear. For example, he tells us that when the husband enters the bus station, that folded piece of paper under his arm is his acceptance letter from a school for cartooning. That would be great if only the viewer had been told that or even a close up of the paper. But in Fraser's mind, we should have figured that out and where the husband was going. Duh... Fraser keeps telling us 'hidden' things to look for. In his mind he filmed it, so why were we so stupid NOT to notice? I realize that Brad Fraser was the god of this film. Everything in it is his own creation and he and only he should have the right to control each and every destiny. Whether Fraser would like to call this a gay movie or not is up to him.To me it's in the vein of a lot of gay movies which are oxymorons."GAY" movie without a happy ending. What's gay about it? Why do gay writers or producers of gay films insist on unhappy endings. Gays are either depicted as stereotype sissy faggots...or dying Camille's.Can't someone, some time, write a serious drama about gays with good acting and let the two heroes ride off into the sunset? The acting in "Leaving Metropolis" is some of the best I've ever seen, especially Vince Corazza and Cherilee Taylor. They play so well together it makes you wonder why a straight masculine husband would leave his wife for a guy who is so fey? Look at the way Troy smokes a's one step above Bette Davis. Brad keeps talking about his low budget of one and a quarter million dollars. Damn! I've seen better movies with half the budget. Sorry Brad, but the movie you THOUGHT you made and the movie that the viewer sees are worlds apart. After all that the husband and artist went through, not to mention us the audience, the least you could do would be to have the heroes wind up together. Great ideas but sloppy executions!

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