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Teachers in a rural school, happy couple Fiona and Dom have a common passion: Latin Dancing. One night, after a glorious dance competition, they have a car accident and see their lives turn upside down. Rumba or how optimism and humour can overcome fatality!

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Release : 2008
Rating : 6.8
Studio : Canal+,  MK2 Films,  Courage Mon Amour, 
Crew : Director,  Director, 
Cast : Dominique Abel Fiona Gordon Bruno Romy Philippe Martz Yohan Faure
Genre : Drama Comedy

Cast List

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It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.

Kaelan Mccaffrey

Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful


An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.


Dominique Abel, Fiona Gordon, Bruno Romy create this heartfelt little film called 'Rumba'. Abel and Gordon also play the key characters while Romy plays a petty thief. Made on a modest budget, 'Rumba' has a neat look. It almost feels as though one is watching a happy play at a theatre. Most of the scenes were done in single frame and the colourful sets and dance are immensely appealing. I found the shadow dance particularly beautiful.This is almost a silent movie (with a few dialogue). Yet, the actors don't struggle at all in communicating through it. Abel and Gordon are brilliant. Their unique sense of humour is different from what one has witnessed in the usual comedy. It's mostly physical (slapstick) and satirical to an extent. Their character's passion for rumba and life and their love for one another is a delight to watch.'Rumba' is an uplifting film and it is perhaps almost unlike anything one has seen of this genre. I found it by surprise and am glad that I did.


WEnt to see this yesterday as part of the programme of our local Film Society. Absolutely hated it! It started out okish, if not great and then got progressively worse!!! I did, however, like the two dancing scenes (apparently, there was a third one towards the end but I didn't see that as we walked out after about an hour - something I never do!!! With this one, though, it almost pained me physically, if you know what I mean!! What little dialogue there was was terrible, and that sort of stupid slapstick comedy type humour I thought was more suited to kindergarten kids (if that!!). Also, everything was dragged and drawn out wayyyy to long!! Some of the stuff that was supposed to be funny was just repeated ad nauseam - I mean, even the village idiot would have gotten it after 3 or 4 repetitions!! I am sorry, I am normally pretty open-minded and I do love unusual movies, but this one was just plain awful and had absolutely NOTHING going for it - complete waste of time!!!

David Traversa

A half baked movie. The original idea is excellent, the realization falls almost flat. Almost, because not everything is lost, it has some enjoyable moments among a lot of forgivable ones; moments, you know..., when you feel the embarrassment the other person should feel? The main couple are not candidates for a beauty contest (but after seeing "Precious", I suppose that has nothing to do with the excellency of a movie); she has a receding chin; his face looks like he didn't sleep for the last six months. I don't know how to put it with my execrable English..., the movie is BAD, but extremely enjoyable. It's obvious they did it with a tiny budget, so, maybe that has something to do with the final product. But what really grabbed me was the soundtrack: A few gorgeous Cuban boleros that blast one's mind with delight! with lyrics that don't make much sense if one analyzes them, but that are so romantic and enjoyable as to have one repeat and repeat the moments when they are being played.The color photography is charming, since the hues are very saturated, giving a childlike effect of a kindergarten. The deja vu feeling of watching an early Almodovar movie is very strong!! The choreography is basic, almost amateurish, and they both dance with gusto, but let's assume they didn't pretend to be the next Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth... Oh, Fred and Rita...where are you now!!??


Dom and Fiona, an adorable, if slightly nitwitted, married couple share a simple life as teachers in a rural French school. He teaches physical education and she teaches English. They have a sweet little house.But they live to dance the Rumba! They have a mantle full of trophies to prove it. One evening, driving home from a dance contest with yet another cup, they crash their car trying to avoid a man trying to commit suicide. They end up in the hospital, she with a leg amputated at the knee and he with an inability to remember anything, including who Fiona is. Complications ensue.If this seems like a strange set-up for a comedy, you have to realize that this comes from a very different comic tradition than American. That tradition is the films of Jacques Tati. The camera is immobile and the action moves in and out of the frame. The sets and scenery are iconic -- some cows in the frame show we are out of the town and in the countryside, etc. None of the comedy in this movie is gross, sexual, satirical or sarcastic. It is good-natured through and through.As with Tati, we are treated to elaborately choreographed pratfalls and sight gags. In one scene, Fiona returns to her classroom on crutches and tries to put down her briefcase, but it gets entangled in her crutch and she keeps losing her balance while flailing wildly. You might not see a scene mocking a cripple like this played for fun in PC America. Again like Tati, this is close to being a silent movie, although there is some dialogue.The highlights of the movie, though, are two absolutely enchanting fantasy dance sequences. In one, they are sitting together glumly on a street, she in her wheelchair, and their shadows begin to dance on the wall behind them. The other is on the surface of the foggy ocean.If this movie does not put a smile on your face, you're made of stone.

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