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Locked Down

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Locked Down

Danny, a respected cop, is setup after an investigation goes wrong. While laying low in his new jail cell, Danny is forced to get involved in the inmates underground cage fighting circuit. With the help of Irving, a former mixed martial arts champion, Danny devises a scheme to bring justice and innocence to his family's name, if he can get out of the cage alive.

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Release : 2010
Rating : 4.2
Studio : Deco Entertainment, 
Crew : Director,  Executive Producer, 
Cast : Tony Schiena Vinnie Jones Rashad Evans Kimbo Slice Bai Ling
Genre : Drama Action Thriller

Cast List

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Wonderful Movie


I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

Bluebell Alcock

Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies


The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.


Well, I have a fondness for b movies however this is likely the worst movie I have seen ... possibly ever. The acting is sub par even for a "Tap Out" movie with the best acting job being done by Kimbo... and that was mostly grunts and swears. Tony Schiena's acting is... well I don't know if you can really call it acting. Tack on a pointless and rather cheap looking sex scene and it's a recipe for a failed and embarrassing movie. By the way, I noted that IMDb has a bio on Tony, and after a bit of checking, I have concluded that it's mostly (if not entirely) fictitious. He claims to be a world champion Karateka, but doesn't include what organization, style or any other details. The bio is done by some company in England that I am pretty sure is his own as they have not reviewed anyone else on IMDb. He's got videos on You Tube titled "World Champion" consisting of a few seconds of blurry action in some sort of local karate tournament, with rave reviews by people that I can only assume are himself. All in all... really cheap. Which brings me to the last point. Action. All the fighting looks like it's done by drunk bears. Repetitive screaming and waving your arms around is not martial arts. On the other hand... if you really like bad movies, this is likely the worst, so it's got that going for it.

Truxter Rexurt

Clearly was not the highest paid film. and quite predictable. but for as low budget as this film looks, the movie was good. had a story, had a plot and had some familiar faces. better than most of the movies you get at red-box. Good fighter cop gets framed and put in a prison full of fighters. The prison is ran by an ex-mob member who the cop had arrested and imprisoned. Prison warden is a fat scamming dough boy. Mobster gets women to visit the warden. Pay off. Kimbo slice is in the movie but says very little. Some how at the end after credits start rolling, Kimbo slice screams that he is going to get the cop. I can't give the movie a full ten because it was predictable and quality was low. Then again, not much you need in a fight type man movie. full ten for what it is, but what it is isn't a ten against the rest of the movies.


I know this film didn't have a big budget like the ones many are comparing it to, but I judge a film by it's own merits. And to me a formula plot, especially in an action film, means I get what I paid for. The fight scenes were very stylized and music-driven, which added tons of excitement for me. Even with a low budget, the fights were awesome.Okay, so the lead was a little stiff and needed more dimension, but I saw him as a Dirty Harry-type, or Christian Bale's Batman. Vinnie Jones was great - he stole every scene he was in and he's just a great bad ass. The MMA fighters were intense and provided a better performance than I expected. Plus, I got my dose of T&A in all the right places.If you want a re-invention of the prison fight film, then perhaps you may not rate Locked Down at the top (though it's still worth a rental if you're a fan of the genre by any stretch). But if you want your blood, action and vengeance served to you without reservations, then Locked Down is your ticket. I thoroughly enjoyed this film.


As I make my second foray into reviewing a "Tapout Presents" movie, I've come to accept the fact that I'm Lionsgate's bitch. Sure, I tend to bitch about them, and I even took a hiatus from them, yet for some reason, I just keep coming back for more. In a way, I almost admire the studio. Yes, the Direct to DVD movies they release are usually worthless crap, yet how many other major studios are releasing so much exploitation garbage on a regular basis? I kind of appreciate that to be honest. So, while Daniel Zirilli's second foray into directing a movie for Tapout is an all around bad movie, it's at least a slight improvement in a few regards, and at times shows that maybe (and that's a really big maybe) they'll finally achieve their obvious goal of giving the world a passable afternoon action flick one of these days.The plot, like many of these pictures, is nothing special: Danny (Tony Schiena) is a respected cop whose set up and taken to prison. In this prison, underground cage fights are being orchestrated by an ruthless crime lord named Anton Vargas (Vinnie Jones), and it's not long until Danny is forced to participate. Good thing for him that he's got a trainer in his cellmate Irving (Voice Actor Dave Fennoy.) Can Danny make it out alive? Can his innocence be proved? Why are so many Mixed Martial Arts stars promoted, yet only given small roles?Before I get to the good and bad, I think it should be noted that MMA stars Kimbo Slice and Rashad Evans are on the DVD and Blu-Ray covers. This is notable because the image of Kimbo used is the same one used for the box art of "Circle of Pain", only it's now kinda in the background. I don't know whether I should shake my head at how cheap this is, or if I should applaud it.Now, onto the nitty gritty. For the bad, well, there's plenty bad about this movie. While the production values have improved, the action scenes are now shot with super slow motion and music video techniques, which is kind of annoying. Also, Bai Ling is in it, but not for very long, and she was obviously cast just so she can get naked. Plus, she clearly seems like she doesn't want to be in this, and that she'd rather be doing something that's at least a little more dignified.Apart from that, it's the usual complaints you hear about these "Tapout Presents" movies - mostly wooden performances, the fact that Mixed Martial Arts stars are promoted as being in it, yet not given much to do other than fight and curse (though that's for the best, as Kimbo Slice delivers his dialog with all the conviction of a 12 year old), throwing in more gratuitous than usual sex and nudity (why do these things keep briefly turn into something resembling a soft core Cinemax movie?), a horrible script, more clichés than most action movies, terrible Nu-Metal, Pseudo-Grunge and Hip Hop blaring in the soundtrack, etc. Then there's Tony Schiena himself. It's obvious that the director and producers (all 22 of them - yes, a total of 22 people are credited as producers) want him to be some kind of action star, but he's just not that convincing as a bad ass or an actor to achieve such status.Now, for the few positives. As I mentioned, the production values have improved, as it now more resembles a movie than it does a music video or soft core flick in those regards - director Zirilli actually makes something out of his limited budget, and makes something that looks more expensive than it probably was. Also, the score actually resembles a film score for a change, and what do you know, there's more than one good to passable performance in this. Of course, it's Vinnie Jones who steals the show, clearly having a ball with his role, though Fennoy actually delivers a good performance as well, doing the best with what's ultimately a really clichéd role, and Sarah Ann Schultz does a decent enough job.I can't recommended "Locked Down" to anyone other than really undemanding fans of action/exploitation garbage. That out of the way, it's the best "Tapout Presents" movie thus far - though that's really not saying much - and it gives me at least a (most likely false) sense of hope that they'll pull off something that's at least somewhat watchable someday. It's very unlikely that will happen, but a man can hope.

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