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Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare

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Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare

At an old farmhouse, a family mysteriously dissapears at the hands of evil. Years later, hair metal band The Tritons comes to the farmhouse, whose barn now features a 24-track recording studio. Lead singer John Triton gets the band to perform their first night in the farmhouse after dinner, and weird little beasties suddenly appear, and strange things start to happen. Band members (and their tag along girlfriends) begin to act strangely and vanish one by one. Soon, only John Triton remains, and he holds a secret. Finally, the evil shows itself and a battle between heaven and hell ensues....

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Release : 1987
Rating : 3.8
Studio :
Crew : Art Direction,  Director of Photography, 
Cast : Frank Dietz Carrie Schiffler Lara Daans
Genre : Horror Music

Cast List

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I love this movie so much


Simply A Masterpiece


Nice effects though.


This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.


A metal band rents an old farmhouse to use as a recording studio for their new album. It doesn't take long, however, for things to go horribly wrong. Creatures begin to appear and people start to go missing. Soon, only lead singer John Triton (Jon Mikl Thor) is left to do battle with the devil and his many minions. But Triton is not who he seems and is ready for this battle.A plot summary really can't do Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare justice. There's more here than seems to be at first glance. It's a fairly ambitious plot for a reported $53,000 budget. Speaking of the budget, with limited funds like that, it's amazing how watchable the end product actually is. You can tell that there's a lot of unpaid work by family and friends, not to mention Jon Mikl Thor's music, that were key to making this thing work. And, given the budget, the special effects end up looking "special". No, they won't compete with today's CGI effects or anything from big a big practical effects company, but for what they are, I enjoyed them. And then there's that final fight scene. What a total blast! Even though I had fun watching most of Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare, there were a few things that kept me from fully embracing the film and lowered my overall rating. The main problem comes from the long stretches of the movie where nothing happens. Maybe I"m just getting too old, but endless shower scenes and PG-rated sex scenes do nothing for me. A little more variety might have really helped.Overall, I'm impressed with what these people were able to do. I say "these people" because it's apparent Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare was a group effort. The final product is good, but not great. My slightly above average 6/10 rating seems appropriate.


Naturally I have to give my meager offering of a film 10 stars! It means so much to me to read about how much people love this insane little family flick⭐️ When I say "family flick," I mean an almost zero budget film made BY a family with a lot of help from their friends! I should say: our friends. Great people like Jon-Mikl Thor, who I've known for over 30 years now. This little feature was the brainchild of my 22 year old husband, John Fasano, who passed away in July, 2014. The two "Johns," John Fasano and Jon Thor, became bosom buddies--and Fasano, whose life goal was to make monster movies--got a company to give us $40 grand to make a horror flick with Jon Thor, featuring his music. And--a lot of home made monsters. Obligatory tits were enforced on us by the money men--as they were in "Black Roses." A few things for fans of the film--as well as its detractors. First off--both John Fasano and Jon Thor never touched drugs or alcohol--on or off the set. No one was "high." I can't use that as any excuse for why the film is so bad! Family: without the Cirile-Fasano-D'Angelo clan--there would've been no RRNM. My basement (Cirile-Fasano) was the "cookery" for the, um--not-so-special FX! My brother, Jim Cirile--who played Stig, the drummer, had his own cookery and whipped up the "chicken monster," the "Lu-Ann" prosthetic--and the paper-mâché stove monster. Someone on this thread mentioned the scene at the beginning--where my character, Carole ( for Carole Lombard!) is burned instantly in the stove--while my real and reel-life son, Jesse D'Angelo--screams at the top of the stairs. Did anyone get that this little boy at the beginning comes back later as the wolf boy who makes a few appearances later on??My bro, who plays the Aussie drummer Stig--is a huge fan of Monty Python. He was going for an absurd over the top accent. His sudden change to a deep American accent was scripted!! Somehow--it was meant to indicate that he was now possessed! What can I tell you??John Fasano loved horror movies--but he hated blood and gore. As do I! This is why RRNM, Black Roses, The Jitters, and Zombie nightmare are all mostly "monster movies," not horror or slasher flicks. John went on to work on some great films--and his writing improved a LOT! He was nominated for an award for best screenplay for "The Hunchback" with Richard Harris and Mandy Patinkin. He wrote the shooting script for "Tombstone." He also wrote "Darkness Falls," among other things. He became a brilliant writer.I'm feeling kind of "moony," because John hasn't even been gone a year yet. He loved this movie--and was very excited that people thought it was fun.⭐️Yeah--this was a family project. No food budget. No costume budget. Thor brought his own jockstrap and hairspray. It was 20 degrees F in that frigid barn where Thor fights the Evil One. I was videotaping the scene where Thor battles the horrific starfish. I could say nothing about it then--and all I can say now is: "oh, boy!those things did NOT work like they were supposed to! Thanks for watching our most humble family excursion into low-budget 80s hair rock horror. Soooo sorry for the van scene! For the last scene... For so much! Have fun with it! Cindy Cirile


Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare starts off with a van driving around for what seems like the length of two films, then a whole bunch of nothing happens until we get a hilarious shower sequence with Thor and some (how do I put this nicely?) not very attractive woman. Then nothing continues to happen, but bad filmmaking and untamable hair until we reach the epic final ten minutes. The finale is why this film has more than just the cast and crew remember it. You might as well fast forward to the jaw dropping display of Satan and puppets vs Thor, because it reaches heights so terrible they become a perfect creation of pure awful. I'd like to think that tongue was in cheek when this sequence was filmed ('filmed' seems like such a complicated word for what's on display here), but I think cocaine was in nose instead. There's no point in describing a visual experience that's bound to have you spit your beer/whiskey across the across the room or send you into a coughing fit from whatever drug you're smoking or dislocate your shoulder from pointing at the screen laughing. 'What were they thinking' doesn't apply here - 'what were they on' does.


Screw those possible spoilers. You need to read this, if only for the fact that this film is still out there, unrestrained and does not come with a warning.It is virtually unfathomable that this film was conceived by regular folks out to make a normal low budget (horror) movie. Nobody in their right minds would come up with an idea like this - or a "concept" if you will - and then attempt to actually turn it into a movie. And only an insane aspiring "producer" (or one that has lost his wits a long time ago) would decide to invest money in something like this. Coca Cola Company, at the time, did see some benefit in it, though. Understandably, since the script contained a scene where a little demon-critter gets his hand flattened by a can of Coca Cola. That's pretty much the same like saying that Coca Cola is good for you. It's a force, or a tool, of pure goodness which you can use to fight off evil. This ridiculous theory even makes perfect sense in the light of this film, as basically - if you can actually say this film is about something - it is simply about Good versus Evil and nothing more. This should also tell you exactly how ridiculously senile this miserable piece of celluloid turd is. Because you tell me now, does that sound like a concept you or I could have come up with? Like I said, this epic failure was not made by normal people. "Rock 'n' Roll Nightmare" (aka "The Edge Of Hell") really is a shock to any young/struggling filmmaker's system to see how a steaming pile of cesspool-droppings like this ever received enough money to have cranes & dollies come with the "crew" that made this film. Actually, this is not a film; it's an un-film. A thing that never should have been.It was conceived, writing & probably influenced on many levels by one person. A guy named John Mikl Thor. He also (tries to) act(s) in it. Why? Why would he want to do that? Make some sort of un-film like this and then be the "star" in it? He can't act, he can't write, he can't sing, he can't... wait, it'll probably be much easier and quicker to list the things he actually can do... Nothing.So, okay, clearly Mr. Thor is a musician. Not a very good one, I suspect. Nor does he understand anything about 'the art of making music' and show this on film. When a guitar solo comes on in a song, you can see him playing this on a bass. Playing the air guitar would have been cooler, Mr. Thor. A shame nobody bothered to tell you that. Or perhaps they did, and you just wouldn't listen, right? Also, he's clearly the 'very wrong' type of musician. As becomes evident by the way he just plays his plain self in this flick. If it's so obvious that you've never written down a single musical note on a piece of paper, Mr. Thor, then don't sit your ass down in this movie and pretend that you can while trying to get your 'perfect love song' right. Mr. Thor might eat the cake, but his band members don't munch on sloppy seconds either. Extremely bad third-rate hair-band/poser hard rock music is what we are presented here. There's quite a bunch of sequences where the whole band can be seen rehearsing songs in their barn. But it's not a rehearsal of course. It's just the band performing (i.e. play-backing) like they would 'live', acting all stupid as if they are performing on some imaginary stage. In this case, it looks like they are trying to make it resemble a 7th-rate music video (shot in a barn, for about 3 complete & truly horrible songs). Even a blind guy can see that Mr. Thor just wanted to shamelessly promote his atrocious music and that a very bad horror themed un-film with no plot would be the best way to reach the kids. I suspect the music-vids-shot-in-a-barn segments where intended & created to have them easily removed from the film & turn them into an "official" music video that would hopefully get them some airplay on national TV. That's a pretty lousy scheme there, Mr. Thor.What's this movie about, actually? Well,... nothing. Absolutely nothing. A house. A barn. A bad hard rock band. Horribly dated fashion trends. Abominable music. Ugly people. Sex, nudity, sex. Talking about doing drugs but never actually taking some. Demonic possession. Demon critters. People disappearing, maybe one guy died but I can't recall seeing it. Tits & ass, both male & female. Groupies. Groupies having sex. Groupies vanishing. Groupies re-appearing. An empty house, eventually. A family with a kid from the past. A family with a kid from the past for which we get no explanation. Amazing latex & prosthetics SFX. Superb halloween masks. And an utterly baffling climactic end-battle/boss-fight... here it comes: The devil (a life-sized demon puppet on strings & sticks) appears. Mr. Thor tears off his shirt. Now he looks like a total barbaric moron and then he proclaims he's an arc angel. He proceeds to battle the devil-demon. Another song comes on and they just hold hands & dance in circles until the song ends. Devil-dude goes up in smoke after that. Then there's a final shot of some empty street with houses in some suburban area which I absolutely didn't get, and this un-film ends.This "movie" is impossible to grasp. A product extracted from a deluded mind. But who cares? It's not like anybody died or animals were harmed while making this movie. The film, in whichever format you might find it, does need a warning sticker to come with it, in my opinion. Something like... Caution: This movie can be hazardous to your health. Viewing this without alcohol may cause brain damage.

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