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Warriors of Terra

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Warriors of Terra

A headstrong animal-rights activist group plans a raid on a bio-tech company to stop the cruelty. They discover the true nature of the experiments that are really taking place. As they break into a biotech lab only to have their idealism crushed by the terrifying things they find inside. But when a genetically mutated human with a taste for human flesh gets released, they all struggle to survive!

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Release : 2006
Rating : 3.1
Studio : Archetype Films, 
Crew : Art Direction,  Production Design, 
Cast : Edward Furlong Dylan Taylor Andrew Gillies Krystin Pellerin Rothaford Gray
Genre : Horror Science Fiction

Cast List

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One of my all time favorites.


If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.


"Warriors of Terra" is kinda like "Return to the House on Haunted Hill" - they are best described as "imitation movies".It's pretty much clichés, nothing but clichés, without any purpose besides being clichés. Almost like the writers' thought train was "well, that's what happens in movies like this".The main problem? It takes over one hour before an actual characters start dying, and there's not many redshirts either. Of the main groups, only three characters are "actual characters" meaning there's few people to converse with besides redshirts.Nothing happens without the monster's presence, and when she's on screen you can't see much. She's not on screen much, although you can't see much anyway. It's dimly lit.So remember only view this movie if... actually I can't think of a suitable excuse.


"Warriors of Terra" is passable if not overly spectacular.**SPOILERS**Arriving at a test facility, Jade, (Andrea Lui) Ali, (Ellen Furey) Tim, (Dylan Taylor) Fix, (Andrew Hachey) and Izzy, (Krystin Pellerin) break in along with Chris, (Edward Furlong) a security guard, and immediately go to work protesting the place. Not finding the animals they came for, they comes across the facilities' SWAT team and are barely able to get away. Seeking refuge in the bowels of the building, they soon realize that the facility wasn't what they expected and soon find the SWAT team completely wasted. Raiding the company logs, they find that the company experimented a radical drug on a human, which caused them to mutate into a ravenous, dangerous creature loose in the facility. When it turns it's attention to the remaining group, they fight to contain it and get out alive.The Good News: This here wasn't all that bad when it mattered. The biggest factor for this one is the layout of the basement. This is a highly creepy design that is excellently used to generate an air of dread. Using a more boiler-room style feel, this has lots of steel mesh, metal pipes, dark corridors and hallways, and with steam ducts constantly blasting off, there's plenty of good suspense to be had from being there. The fact that the creature also makes an eerie noise off-screen just adds more to the creepy feel of being down there. The perpetual darkness and mystery about what is down there add even more suspense to the suspense to be had from being there. Most of the scenes down there work for the film. Another really creepy factor is the early scenes with the creature. They're not brilliant, but it has a slightly off-kilter feel that works for what's being attempted. What also works is that the film has a really healthy body count, topping out in the double-digits. Only one was really spectacular, where a victim begins bleeding on the face only from points where the creature touched, and eventually melts down to a pile of goo only from those places, but that there's a lot getting bumped off is a plus. Another nice plus is the final showdown on the platform. It's nicely creepy, delivers more on suspense than action but still has enough of both to make it satisfying and really does end on a good note. All these make it watchable.The Bad News: This here did have some pretty big errors at times. One of the biggest ones is that the editing is at times atrocious. This has a terrible tendency to do one of several errors during it's course. During attack scenes, it will either slow down to present everything in slow motion or it will skip a frame and jerk the screen for a brief flash, and it results in hurting the flow of the scene. The other big flaw with the editing is that the film has a tendency to fade to black at really inopportune moments. It's constant and manages to get quite annoying through it's repeated use. The other really big flaw is that, for all it's body count, there isn't a whole lot on-screen. This has a whole lot of off-screen or are done at screen but done to where it's impossible to tell what happened to them. This is a major complaint, as it really makes it feel a lot less bloody and gory that it really is, which really says a lot about it. While not a major flaw, the fact that the creature becomes completely nonthreatening due to familiarity. It's briefly glimpsed before, yet it's seen far too often at the end and it demystifies them far too much. Otherwise, this one wasn't that bad.The Final Verdict: This one isn't as bad as it could've been, but there's still some fundamental flaws with this one that really prevent it from taking off. If it sounds fun or are interested in this one, give it a shot, though those who have a healthy disregard for this would be well-advised to skip this one.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language

julian kennedy

Warriors of Terra: 2 out of 10: Alien style movies have been done to death for a very long time. They can still work if A: The creature is decent. B: The gore is decent and C: If the underground fortress/submarine/spaceship the people are trapped on/in contains co-ed showers.Grudge/Ringu style movies with pasty faced white skinned black haired ghosts that scream like insects has also been done to death. Personally I think that genre is close to spent.Combining the two is a pretty bad idea. Warriors of Terra takes that already shaky foundation and goes nowhere with it. Needless to say there is no decent gore, no co-ed showers and a pasty ghost girl is not scary except in an OMG there is still another hour left to this movie kind of way.First time director Robert Wilson has his finger stuck on the annoying effects button so we can never get a clear view of the action. (Guys don't zoom while you're moving the camera).The plot is that of an animal's right group (Complete with rich daddy's girl, radical ELF terrorist who inexplicably sports a fur collar on her parka, and my favorite cliché hot computer geek who can hack into anything from her Mystery Machine Van headquarters.) attacking the big bad bio-lab. The corporate lab of course has a basement located somewhere around the earths core and is defended by a nerve gas doomsday device. (Are those available at Staples?). You can pretty much write the ending from here.Michael J Fox look-alike and T2 has-been Edward Furlong looks and acts like a walking cautionary billboard about drug use.All in all the acting and production values are decent (this is not a filmed with daddy's old camera job) but the Grudge ghost in an Alien flick concept plays even worse than it sounds


Warriors of Terra is about a pharmaceutical company whose lead doctor got involved in human trials for a cancer curing drug a little too soon and had to secure the 'human' subject. When some animal rights dirt bags get into the facility with the help of the daughter of one of the lead doctor, all heck breaks loose. They are discovered and while trying to escape security forces, their computer expert operating from a safe distance opens all the doors in the whole facility and also the human trial (Maya) that went wrong. The doctor goes in trying to save his daughter as Maya feeds on all the others. Lots of infighting and bantering detracted from the film and added unnecessary length. Overall the story and dialog was good. The acting was a little sketchy. The effects were OK for low budget handled mostly by lighting.

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